
Bridgeport Citizens Hate Freedom?

I'm not sure what prompted this last night, but a group of Bridgeport citizens created a mock Eagle -- the symbol, I might add, of this great country where our colors don't run - and burned it. Yep, burned it plum up. Yeah, I know our liberal wienie filled Supreme Court has said it's OK for you commies out there to burn Old Glory, but this Eagle burning simply crosses the line. First we put a black man in the White House, and two days later the normally God fearing town of Bridgeport loses its collective mind. I've got a tear running down my cheek right now like that old Indian guy in the commercial after he witnessed a bunch of littering. Thanks emailer for sending this photo which certainly will win me all sorts of awards. (Or, this may be part of a pep rally in preparation for the annual Battle of the Big Sandy football game. I'll get back to you once the Texas Rangers complete their investigation.)