TCU's Gary Patterson Taking You Into The Weekend
(Oh, come on. We're havin' fun here, no?)
2009, Game Day at TCU:
And to truly take you into the weekend . . .
And Another - Minnesota
The fact that she is a Catholic school teacher does not help 2014's run for an "And Another" Championship.
PETA Wants A Chicken Memorial In Texas
Animal rights campaigners PETA have requested permission to install a 10-foot high roadside memorial for chickens killed when an 18-wheeler overturned in Bryan last month.
Thousands of chickens were stacked up on the transporter in cages which were smashed open when it crashed September 30 at the intersection of U.S. 21 and FM 2818. More.
Oh, come on. I don't mind a plaque for a bunch of dead chickens but a TEN FOOT memorial?
(PETA is good at bits.)
Random Friday Morning Thoughts
- That river looks exactly like the one Mrs. LL and I took a rafting trip down in Costa Rica a few years back. Jungle covered high sides with the occasional waterfall.
- When Georgia's top running back was suspended yesterday for allegedly making money off signing memorabilia against NCAA rules, Johnny Football's right hand man, "Uncle Nate", tweeted : "Hey [Sports Illustrated writer] tell the people to let the man make money off his name. Screw anyone that says he shouldn't and can't." Uncle Nate isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
- Some of you implied yesterday that the only ones who benefit from new home construction are "those illegal aliens" who build them. That's mind-boggling. You might want to ask companies, and their employees, which supply bricks, carpet, tile, windows, window treatment, lighting, appliances, insulation, plumbing, electrical, wall paper, paint, door knobs, bathroom fixtures, furniture, etc.
- We haven't heard about any law enforcement corruption out of Montage County in a couple of years. Maybe they've all moved on to different counties.
- My annual Tired Head: Local media mentioning the ridiculous Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog.
- My football trip for next weekend: Heinz Stadium in Pittsburgh and West Virginia's stadium in Morgantown. (I might just stay and become one of the Wild and Wonderful Whites.) And, as much as I hate the NFL, I might run over to the NFL Hall of Fame in Canton.
- A Texas federal judge slapped down the Voter ID law late yesterday, in part, because it is a poll tax. After reading the opinion (which is a great history lesson on the horrible history of Texas in suppressing the minority vote), I'm convinced it is a poll tax.
- When I posted some of the old Index papers here recently, the poll tax was (shockingly) still in effect and wildly popular. It wasn't abolished until 1964 via constitutional amendment. And Texas still tried to enforce it on elections after that that didn't involved federal positions.
- "The University is not a place for the 'open minded' where ideas are exchanged and challenged. Parents pay large amounts of money to have their children indoctrinated on leftist ideals." - Dennis Prager. Incredible. Why are people so scared of views outside of their echo chamber?
- "It's a Lone Star shame @TexasMonthly hasn't offered me the Ice Cream Editor gig. (I would also accept Bacon Editor.)" - Another goofy tweet by the goofy Texas Supreme Court Justice a few minutes ago.
- BagOfNothing surmises today that the Not Ebola Deputy might be just an attention seeker. He didn't outright say the deputy went to the Emergency Clinic just for publicity but, if he had, I'd back him up on it.
- Adrian Peterson might go back to jail because he admitted to "smoking a little weed" to the person involved in the supervision of his bond conditions. (1) High minded legal thought: I know you can't be convicted of a crime by just admitting to an offense if there is not some evidence to corroborate that there was, in fact, an actual crime, but I'm not sure that rule applies to bond condition violations. (2) Practical legal thought: Shut up! Deny. Deny. Deny.
- I can predict I'll be a bum on Saturday beginning at 11:00 a.m. OU/Texas followed by TCU/Baylor. (But, because I can't help it, I'll be up in the 6:00 o'clock hour. So I'll have time to get stuff done.)
- The "Death With Dignity" story of the 29 year old Portland woman who has chosen to end her life on her own terms -- instead of enduring the experience of the inevitable soon-to-occur death which will involve "headaches, nausea, vomiting, weakness and seizures" -- is fascinating. But while watching the story I answered the hypothetical of "Do you want to know the day of your death?" My answer: No.
Remember How I've Been Yelling About Too Many Cops And Prosecutors?
Let me add that there are too many lawyers.
Good lord. Atticus Finch would turn over in his fictional grave.
So who gets to be embarrassed by this?
- Fort Worth: That's where he practices.
- aTm: Where he got his undergraduate.
- Texas Tech: Where he graduated law school with honors.
- Judge Judy and Stephen Colbert (his role models per his web site).
- Humanity.
Montgomery County Seems A Little Wheels Off
(1). A judge (justice of the peace) holds a "prayer breakfast"?
(2) The judge in Adrian Peterson is trying to be recused by the DA after the DA gets nervous because the judge called one of Peterson's attorney's a "media whore."
Tuesday Morning Pick Me Up At Luv Field For Texas/OU Weekend
@gordonkeith with some of the OU cheerleaders pic.twitter.com/o6aO5wBNQw
— Jason Kellison (@killer1310) October 9, 2014
Those three said their heights were 5'0", 5'0", and 4'11".
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts
- It doesn't look like the Dallas deputy has Ebola, but do you think Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins (who was so cocky to walk through the Ebola apartment without a hazmat uniform) stopped down yesterday when he heard the news of a new possible Ebola case of a guy who had been in the apartment?
- Hey, commenter who keeps telling me "The CDC has said it is possible for Ebola to become airborne. You need to take this seriously!!!" Uh, focus on the word possible. It's possible you'll get struck by lightning, the Earth will start spinning on its axis, or you'll win the lottery. Even when you have odds of 1 in a krillion of an event happening, it is still "possible". Think Jim Carrey saying, "So you're telling me there's a chance."
- Remember when I called the Frisco PD inept after the Chief said "we may never know" what happened to the couple found dead? (They had previously falsely and recklessly accused the wife of murdering her son.) Well the medical examiner said yesterday, "Uh, not so much": The wife killed the husband and the wife then killed herself.
- There's now a Fake Justice Willett account on Twitter, and I promise I am not behind it. (I will admit though that I was given the heads up that he would speak at a Texas high school yesterday so, through a source, I was able to plant a few questions that he was peppered with from the students. Here's a ridiculous picture of him at the school.)
- "Sales of new homes in north Texas at a six year high." But I suppose they are being constructed with imaginary workers who have given up looking for work and imaginary materials created by a Fed policy mandated by the President cooking the books.
- Seriously, for all of you who choose the economy as a reason to criticize the President, look around. Everything is booming. Man, you've got legitimate reasons to dog him but if you choose the economy, you come across as having all the credibility of a 9/11 Truther.
- If you are going to a Friday night football game, you are going to get rained on. I think. Unless it comes in later.
- Everyone is gushing over Jimmy Johnson again since there's a 30 for 30 short on his trade of Herschel Walker to the Vikings. I've mentioned it before: He's also the same guy who had to take Emmitt Smith because he couldn't get Baylor linebacker James Francis, and he wasted a #1 overall pick on Steve Walsh after already having Troy Aikman on the roster.
- The Ticket had Wendy Davis on for an interview a few weeks ago and she now famously (at least to Ticket fans) screwed up the morning show hosts' name by saying, "Good morning, George, Craig and Jordan." It's Gordon. This morning they had Greg Abbott on who started with, "So I'm talking to George, Craig, and (pause) is it Gordon?" Funny. He has a smart staff.
- If Denton bans fracking isn't that the equivalent of the government taking your property (mineral rights.) The government can always take your property but they have to compensate you for it. Have they thought about that?
- Good lord, soon to be Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has an ad attacking his opponent by referencing ISIS crossing the border. We have a lot of nuts in Texas politics, but that man is dangerously nuts.
- Can I be considered an Internet "troll" when you have to come to me?
- The guy who got drunk in Fort Worth and drove a forklift around got eight years in prison? And that's after he was finally found competent to stand trial? Sentence seems wrong.
- A Wise County jury gave a guy probation yesterday for Evading With a Vehicle. Sounds like a guy who had never been in trouble before, had a friend and a family member die, was receiving foreclosure notices, and then got into a tequila bottle. Sentence seems right.
- "PAGEANT REGISTRATION – Registrations for the Miss and Mr. ChicoFest Sweeter Than Candy Pageant are being accepted through Oct 17. The pageant is open to girls age 0-18 and boys 0-5." As for the girls, you'd think an 18 year old would just crush a newborn in the talent competition. As for the boys, don't scar him by letting him win the "Sweeter Than Candy" award.
America. Texas. Confusion.
Adrian Peterson, the suspended Vikings running back facing child abuse charges, had his arraignment this morning in Montgomery County. For a reason I cannot explained, a guy in a tiger suit showed up.
Now Back To Chasing That Money
Dallas ebola patient dies - $TKMR shares up b/c rival drug from $CMRX was used in treatment: http://t.co/embZIPthTL pic.twitter.com/FFauC0GJA1
— TheStreet (@TheStreet) October 8, 2014
Ebola: 1
STATEMENT from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on the death of #Ebola patient, Thomas Eric Duncan. pic.twitter.com/u0R02Ego78
— Jason Whitely (@JasonWhitely) October 8, 2014
But no need to worry. The Mayor is on it . . .
Following death of #EbolaDallas patient Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings says, "We will stop the Ebola virus in its tracks in our community."
— David Schechter (@DavidSchechter) October 8, 2014
And the press needs to be reminded this is not 9/11:
(PIC) Mayor Mike Rawlings being informed by an aid that #EbolaDallas patient Thomas Eric Duncan died this morning. pic.twitter.com/pYhCfxIjlx
— David Schechter (@DavidSchechter) October 8, 2014
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts
- After a Dallas DA debate yesterday, Craig Watkins' opponent accused him of drinking by saying, "Have another cocktail."
- "The Economist last week (Oct. 4) published a pair of pieces lamenting the super-sizing of prosecutorial power and calling for the state to hand back some of its authority to the judiciary." (Source: Grits for Breakfast.) Preach on, bruther.
- I don't know who Stephen Collins is (7th Heaven isn't exactly in my wheelhouse), but he certainly didn't deny that he admitted to child molestation while being secretly recorded by his ex-wife at a therapy session.
- Collins last project listed on IMDB is a short named Penance which is described as "A man makes the decision to cleanse his inner demons, revealing a buried past that begs the question . . . can we ever truly find forgiveness? And just how far will one go to get it."
- Man, there's been a lot of media time wasted on this "Ebola scare." Number of victims contracting disease in U.S.: 1 (and he's still alive.) Thousands die from the flu every year.
- The Family Clothes Washer is on the fritz. I'd like to blame Mrs. LL for using it to wash band uniforms for everyone in the Southwest Proper, but the thing is also eleven years old.
- Even some conservatives have cocked an eye at the government stealing a woman's identity and setting up a fake Facebook page pretending to be her in order to fight the War On Drugs. My reaction: If you are offended by that, you'd pass out if you knew what else they did.
- I get accused of voting for President Obama. Have I ever written that I voted for President Obama?
- Not sure what the connection is: Maxwell House has a four minute short on the Nokona* company from Nocona, Texas. (*Yep, spelled that way.)
- Sports: (1) The big news about Tony Romo criticizing the fans for selling their tickets to opponents is that for the first time in five years he said something other than "We've just got to practice and get better." (2) I finally watched the TCU/Oklahoma game last night and TCU's Trevone Boykin was incredible. But he also almost got picked off four times. (3) Are baseball playoffs going on? (4) One thing that stuck me as odd about Baylor/Texas was the huge smile Charlie Strong had on his face after the game as he greeted other players and coaches on the field. I don't think the angry fan base wants to see that. (4) The Cowboys would be nuts to give a long term deal to DeMarco Murray. There is the theory that once a running back carries it 350 times a year, it's all downhill from there. (5) This lady is not good at track.
- There's a criminal trial going on in Decatur but I don't know much about it other than the Defendant is Christopher Ashby and the charges are Evading with a Vehicle and Aggravated Assault Against a Public Servant. I didn't see anything about it in the Messenger. According to court records, potential witnesses are Aaron Wallace, Adolfo Patterson, Michael Derrick, George Mundo, Mason Torres, Belynda Brooke, Don Dillard, and Linda Dillard.
- Former Bridgeport resident Michelle (Simpson) Tuegel is one of the lead defense attorneys in this Graf case:
Well, Looks Like We Have 100% Proof Of Global Warming
Obviously, with this type of concrete evidence you owe Al Gore an apology.
Edit: I think we might have had an outbreak of the increasingly viral Ebola Dumb Arse Virus take over the comments section recently. Comedy, albeit bad, should not be that hard to spot.
That Texas Supreme Court Justice
When you're at @ChickfilA & your wife calls while you're in the bathroom & you hear your phone back at the table blasting "Brick House."
— Justice Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) October 7, 2014
I know I may be the only one who cares about this, but this guy continues to drive me nuts. This is what he sent out in the 10:00 o'clock hour on a work day this morning. Once again, a salary of $150,000 a year.
Let's see what's going on here:
- It's a silly tweet unbecoming of a member of the judiciary.
- The restaurant just happens to be ChickfilA. You may recall, that fast food joint became the darling of conservatives last year.
- He let's you know that he is a loving husband because he thinks his wife is hot. That's the reference to Brick House.
- He also is trying to appeal to the older, white guy who thinks Brick House is still a kick arse song.
- The bathroom reference? Not sure. Maybe to let you know that even a Texas Supreme Court justice goes to the bathroom?
And, of course, this tweet is just a bit and not factual. You don't leave your phone on the table in a fast food restaurant (even if there are people to guard it), and you dang sure couldn't hear the ringtone from the bathroom.
Lot Of Buyers And Sellers At The Courthouse This Morning
Texas Property Code Sec. 51.002. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER CONTRACT LIEN. (a) A sale of real property under a power of sale conferred by a deed of trust or other contract lien must be a public sale at auction held between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. of the first Tuesday of a month. Except as provided by Subsection (h), the sale must take place at the county courthouse in the county in which the land is located . . . .
That number of people is really unusual. Based upon some of the participants, I think we have some tax foreclosure sales going on.
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts
- Jesse Jackson is following Ebola to Dallas!
- Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins is a twofer: Not only does he look goofy, he sounds goofy.
- So the Supreme Court ruled it would not decide whether lower courts were correct when they declared same sex marriage bans unconstitutional? That allows for same sex marriage in five new states. That's odd because it only takes four votes for the court simply to decide it will hear the case. (And if you want to really be confused, earlier five judges of the court had voted to keep the ban in place until they decided whether they would hear the case.) Now what are they going to do when the crazy Fifth Circuit (which rules Texas) declares that Texas' ban is constitutional in a pending case? The Supreme Court will have to hear that appeal, right?
- Ted Cruz immediately did some time-wasting grandstanding yesterday when he announced he would introduce a proposed constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. Let's see, that would require two-thirds vote in the House and the Senate and then a ratification of three-fourths of the states. That's going to happen when the majority of Americans support same sex marriage?
- Lots of reports that people are acting nuts in Chico over the last couple of weeks. I mean, it sounds like Zombieland breaks out.
- Blacks are upset in Dallas over police brutality. Find out that you can carry a long barrelled firearm in public. So they do their own open carry police protest.
- A great chart showing the number of flights Southwest is adding to new destinations and what they are cutting back on once the Wright Amendment is officially repealed this month.
- Tom Delay was exonerated by Texas' highest criminal court last week so now he wants to sue his prosecutors. Not a chance. After throwing his weight around forever, he finally learned what it is like "when the rabbit got the gun." And, if the rabbit misses, he just gets to go back in his hole and reloads.
- There is a real good chance that the Cowboys are selling unsold tickets on Stubhub. I went to a Tennessee Titans game in Nashville once, bought the ticket on Stubhub, and those around me told me I was sitting in the seat of a guy who didn't renew his season tickets. Did the Titans then simply put the seat up on Stubhub since they could even get more than face value?
- Baylor is 21-1 in their last 22 home games. The last loss: TCU.
- Speaking of grandstanding: "Gov. Rick Perry today announced the creation of the Texas Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response, which will assess and enhance the state's existing capabilities to prepare for and respond to pandemic disease, such as the Ebola virus." That means: (1) Hold a press conference since it's cheaper than buying a campaign ad, (2) Have a committee spend a bunch of taxpayer money preparing a report, (3) Have another press conference releasing the report, (4) Toss the report aside never to be read again.
Shouldn't be a problem
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Call police if you see this man... 22yr old Logan Michael Drumm is wanted for murder... bit.ly/1BITMoh pic.twitter.com/MeUSEm42i3 |
Download the official Twitter app here
Arlington PD's Social Media Guy Creates Stuff Like This
Hey, if you want your tax dollars allocated for this, knock yourself out.
Random Monday Morning Thoughs
- Ken Starr is Baylor's president. Remember him? He's the law and order guy who prosecuted Bill Clinton. Well, it seems scandal is getting a little close to home. Jennifer Renee Jarvis, his executive secretary and her husband, were arrested in separate incidents for DWI. (That fact alone is insane.) Now there are allegations that there was an effort in Waco to bury the cases.
- One song I grew up with was "Indian Reservation" by the very cooly named Paul Revere and the Raiders. Welp, Paul Revere died over the weekend.
- 60 Minutes ran their interview of FBI Chief James Comey last night. That guy came across as a modern day paranoid J. Edgar Hoover. But I loved when he was asked if Americans should sleep comfortably at night: "I think they should. I mean, the money they have invested in this government since 9/11 has been well spent." Translation: Give us money = your security.
- Sports: (1) Katy Perry on College Game Day was funny. And her predictions bested anyone else on the panel. (2) Am I worried about my predication that the Cowboys will have less than 7.5 wins? Of course not. (3) Baylor is a 10 point favorite over TCU on Saturday. Way too much. In fact, I think its a coin flip. I've said for the last four weeks to fear TCU. (4) "NBA to announce $24 billion/9 year deal w/ ESPN and TNT on Monday. Annual average value nearly 3x current deal." Players, you see this? Especially you top line guys who take a pay cut to get in under a salary cap? (5) If J.J. Watt had connected on that blind side rush yesterday, Romo would be in a wheelchair this morning. (6) C.J. Wilson, paid $16 million this year, got pulled in the first inning last night. Teammate Josh Hamilton, paid $17 million, went 0-13 in the division series loss.
- The cover of some publication called Dallas Weekly had a very ill-timed cover on Friday.
- That goofy tweeting judge was on Fox and Friends on Sunday. I received a message from someone who compared him to Paris Hilton. That is, despite actual public perception, Paris Hilton thinks she comes across as sexy. Similarly, that judge thinks he comes across as clever and witty.
- "Be the kind of person the dog thinks you are."
- Dallas DA Craig Watkins is considering filing charges for Aggravated Assault against the Ebola patient for Aggravated Assault if there's proof that the patient "intentionally or knowingly" exposed others to disease. What an idiot. Is there any proof Mr. Ebola even knew he had the disease? Is there any proof anyone else has contracted it? (And the fact that Watkins seems to not realize that "reckless" exposure of the disease to another would also be a crime -- at least an arguable position -- is amazing.)
- A man was shot in the back about 30 times at Club Reeces in Oak Lawn last night. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. 30 times? (And I tried to look up Club Reeces' web site but it doesn't have one.)
That's Some Quality Comedy
I'm done. They really went to the Dallas game like this... pic.twitter.com/8KjshxWRXR
— Racial Draft (@TheRaceDraft) October 6, 2014
My Trip Back To The True Death Star: Darrell K. Royal Memorial Stadium
29 years since I came here and watched UT break Baylor's heart, I have returned for revenge. (Please) pic.twitter.com/V3SPnghgjL
— Barry Green (@BSG) October 4, 2014
Twenty-nine years ago, I went down to Austin to watch Baylor play UT. A Baylor win locked up a trip to the Cotton Bowl. It didn't happen. My figurative beat down from the UT fans that day has led to a life-long hatred of the Evil Empire. It's not a malicious hatred. It's like the feeling those who have a love/hate relationship with the Cowboys, Yankees, or (until now) the Heat. I want to beat them, but I'm glad they are around. And it's more fun when they are good.
But as I saw Baylor creep up to a 16 point favorite, I had an internal struggle: Go down there with the expectation of winning to exorcise demons from 29 years ago, or do what I normally do -- stay home and watch the game with low expectations. Hey, I'm a new man: I jumped into the Dodge and headed to Austin on Saturday morning. This is my story. (Dah-dum).
- I-35 is coming along. I had almost no traffic issues.
- If you ever want to remember you're in the Bible Belt, roam around on the AM dial in Central Texas. (I heard a guy tell me to teach my kids that there is a distinct and unwavering line between right and wrong. Would it be OK to steal food to feed you're starving baby? No, he told me. "Once a person steals because of a reason he thinks is right, the next thing you know he is stealing his neighbor's car because it is nicer than his." If you heard me scream, I apologize.)
- Don't try to pick a restaurant off of an "Austin's Best Breakfast" list and try to get in even at 10:30 a.m. on Texas Game Day and when the Austin City Limits music festival is in town.
- I spent about an hour or more roaming the campus. I'm not sure I've ever done that at UT. I spent an unusual amount of time looking up at The Tower.
- I walked into some Student Services building in search of a bathroom. Door open (colleges are soooo wide open). As I was walking out, I passed by two students who were studying. I heard one say, "when an electron . . . " and then I think every electron in my brain exploded. The concept of being transported in time back to college is traumatizing.
- I tried to picture going to school there but I hate the feeling of that campus. (No offense.) There's just a sensation of inside every building there's a group who understands how the Empire works that the average student does not.
- Man, this was the first time I've been in the stadium since the wholesale renovations. Wow. That place is incredible.
- I cringed at "Red McCombs Red Zone" being plastered all over the north end.
- But my favorite moment was this. I was walking around the stadium before the gates were even open and peaked through the wrought iron fence to try and get a glimpse of Darrell Royal's statue. It was far away, and I was really surprised to see another statute right by it. Mack Brown? "No way", I thought. I'd know that. I saw a guy holding up a sign that said, "Fan Information" so I asked him who the other statue was. "Joe Jamail," he tells me. I replied in righteous indignation, "They've got Joe Jamail's statue next to Darrell Royal's?" He replied, "Yes, sir. Mr. Jamail's name is on the stadium and he has provided much support ,...." I didn't hear anything else because my ears began to bleed.
- Texas, you have a problem: The University has a statue of your greatest coach ever next to a booster. (Image.) I find that horrifying. And that might be the exact reason for your recent problems. (Some on campus agree that a statue of Jamail -- his second one -- is uncalled for.)
- I walked past a guy training the young volunteers who were to hand out programs (for free!). "OK, let's get fired up!," he said. "Texas!" he yelled. "Fight!" the group halfheartedly replied. "Texas!" he said again. "Fight," they replied. "Baylor!" he yelled. "Sux!" the group lamely retorted. "We'll have to work on that," the guy said. Above, there's a link about how the concept of a Texas crowd yelling "Sux" in 1985 was appalling to innocent little me and launched me into my lifelong hatred of the Evil Empire. Hearing that on Saturday morning seemed like karma. I was glad I made the trip at that moment.
- Once inside the stadium, there's a weird haze over the Texas fans. This is a low point in the program's history and they know it. There was no energy.
- And there is a major audio train wreck they have: The team warms up to very loud hip hop music from speakers on the field (Baylor does it at home, too), but the stadium audio system is blaring its own random music at the same time. I promise you, in the middle of the 45 minutes of that mess, I was being whipped by Journey on the stadium PA system and Drake from the field PA system. Simultaneously. It was maddening.
- I ended up sitting by a sixty-something year old Texas fan who claimed he had been going to games since he could buy end zone seats for a $1. Nice guy. "This is the worst Texas team we've ever had," he said. I felt bad for him. We talked the entire game.
- Don't get me wrong. Some of my best friends are UT exes. But you can't hate people like that. So I was constantly, and successfully, on the lookout for the three types of Texas fans that drive me nuts: (1) The guy who looks like a meth head who couldn't have possibly graduated from high school, (2) The thirty-something seemingly successful douche guy who still thinks he's in a fraternity, and (3) The senior citizen who is so lively that he looks like he's headed to a swinger's party after the game. Boy, they were all around me once I took my seat.
- "Please stand for the Baylor school song," the PA guy said. A guy right in front of me who fit into category #2 above sat down and started munching on nachos like it was his last meal. (I pictured myself being a Tex Cobb like character who would grab him by the back of the collar and lift him up while quietly saying, "Why don't you do what the man said, and show a little respect?")
- Another ex-fraternity boy right by him would spend the game shooting the bird to the referee after every call that didn't go his way. His seemingly respectable wife thought he was adorable.
- There were actually two Baylor women who sat behind me who reminded me of Cagney and Lacey. Funny ladies. One of them told me, "You're so tense" after the first play. After the Texas/OU game last year, I take nothing for granted.
- The women laughed when I flinched at the sound of that loud Texas cannon. (For those who know me, I'm kind of skittish.)
- I bought my ticket on Stub Hub. Home side. In the shade. 25 yard line. Perfect. Face value was $100 and I paid $110. The two women behind me bought their seats for $50 from a scalper on game day.
- "Bryce Petty. You suck!!!! You only have 87 yards of passing!" -- Texas fan screaming as Baylor took a 21-0 lead. That was the kind of moment I came for.
- The game was scary for a while (Texas has no offense and Baylor tried to replicate them), but it was an easy fourth quarter. I just sat back and took it all in and didn't leave early. I told Mrs. LL six years ago, "There will come a day when we actually beat Texas. It might not be in the next decade, but it will happen before I die. . . . I hope." Baylor has now won 4 of the last 5.
- I stayed the entire game and made the trip to Austin because I'm smart enough to know one thing: Enjoy the moment. Nothing lasts forever.
- (And if Baylor's offense doesn't get its act in gear, TCU will throttle them next week. As will West Virginia and OU and OSU. )
- Finally, I mentioned in Friday's Random Thoughts how Mississippi was excited with Ole Miss and Miss State getting the spotlight for huge games. Both teams won. Local paper for the win:
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