
Slumdog Millionaire

Finally saw this movie last night in a packed theater (it must have been the pre-Oscar rush.) Verdict: It might move into my top ten list of all time favorite movies. Loved it. It was educational (you get to learn about India), brutal (you will not believe the treatment of children), disgusting (one scene caused the audience to issue the loudest grown I had ever heard - twice!), inspiring (love over money), guilt inducing (oh, the conditions of the slums), a guilty pleasure (you get caught up in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire), and touching (never has the "Phone a Friend" lifeline caused me to tear up before.) The pacing between current day and flashbacks was absolutely brilliant. Once it was over, I bet 90% of the audience remained in their seats as the credits rolled. And it didn't hurt that the movie suddenly transformed itself from a gut wrenching drama to bring-a-smile-to-your-face music dance video. I sat in my seat and just said, "wow." Does it live up to the hype? Absolutely.