
We've Got A "Best Of" Robbery!

Who's here every morning? Who would never bore you with a Minerals Club announcement or FHA news? Who doesn't post pictures of gruesome car crashes (so what if it's because I can't get there in time)? Who gives you Random Girls? Who is your most trusted source in news even if it's based on rumor and hearsay? Who gives a forum to Double Fakes? Who keeps you up to date on Britney? Who is free?

Who has never ran a "best blog" or "best website" contest and declared themselves the winner?

This guy!!!!!

And to think people consider the Casey Anthony verdict an injustice. It's a dark day in Wise County, my friends. A dark day indeed.

Edit: One of the commentors is right. If the Liberally Lean Nation doesn't gather at the courthouse and have a Middle East type uprising, something's wrong.