

Did you catch the story of the Watauga dentist accused of "Indecency With A Child?" Actually, he is more of an owner of three huge dental offices that employ multiple dentists. In an emergency, I had to visit the Watauga office once. Very high tone.

Now the Star Telegram has released the details today about this alleged crime and it seems to involve the touching of a 13 year old's left breast (presumably over the clothes) while she was getting her teeth cleaned.

It's a he said/she said case for the highly successful 53 year old dentist who faces up to 20 years in prison. And there won't be any DNA to show up later to acquit him in the event of a false conviction.

Juries convict on swearing matches all the time - the prosecutor always argues "Are you going to call the victim a liar just because the Defendant was smart enough to make sure there were no witnesses?" But I could never convict anyone in a situation like this because I would always have a doubt that was reasonable to me. And if I have a reasonable doubt, I'm supposed to find him not guilty.