
I'm Turning Into The Update For A Moment

Ok, I don't want to be a community bulletin board but I promised I'd post the following (and it's for a good cause): I was wondering if you would be willing to publicize our upcoming blood drive! It’s a two-part drive, with one half on Tuesday, May 20th from 4-8 pm and the other half on Thursday, May 22nd from 8am-noon. The drive is through the Red Cross and will be held in the DHS practice gym. Those that donate on Tuesday will be given a free ticket to the DHS powder puff football game right around the corner that same night! We need at least 100 units to win a $1,000 prize. The money will be used as a scholarship in Shane Eichthaler’s name and given to a member of his graduating class. Contact Emily Arnold at Decatur High School if interested.