
Hey, I Like The Wise County Messenger

But over the last month, they have fallen in love with Twitter. And, in general, I think that's a good thing. But then they'll hit you with eight tweets in a row that are nothing more than this week's Obituary column. That, my friends, is a beating. And tonight they are giving results of the political run-off races. And that's a great idea -- for us. We don't have to buy the paper, we don't have to see any ads, and we get up to the minute results. Good times. But before the local races come in, do we really need to know (1) the partial results, (2) in Wise County alone, of (3) a Supreme Court race? Sheesh. With those precincts reporting, I'll go ahead and project that Wise County prefers a male judge over a female judge when we have no idea about either candidate. Or maybe someone named Green could win an election. Hmmmmmm. But you can see their more relevant results, hopefully, here.