If I'm an OU fan, can I get hotel reservations for the Army game just announced for September 26, 2020? Yep, 2020. - Had lots of people email the news yesterday that the DA in Tarrant County Judge Elizabeth Berry's DWI case had dismissed it. There's a lot of blame to pass around, but the public will simply see it as a corrupt system regardless of whether it is.
- I bought my first copy ever of ESPN The Magazine because it had a feature story on Baylor's allegedly on-the-rise football team. (And we might want to tap the brakes on that.)
- The older you get, the better you get at Jeopardy. But I'm still not very good.
- Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of News Corp. (including Fox News and the Wall Street Journal) says that charging viewers for the company's internet sites is inevitable. I balked at first, but isn't it amazing that Internet content is 99% free?
- Be honest: The first time you ever heard of email, weren't you surprised it was free?
- To be a well treated dog would be a very good life.
- Our DA's office has decided to divide up the caseload by nature of the offense between four prosecutors. (i.e. one will handle sexual offenses, one will handle property crimes, etc.) One guy was assigned all drug cases. That guy got screwed. Edit: The list.
- Watched a little bit of Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC last night (a show about little girls being forced into beauty pageants by crazy moms.) So. Disturbing.
- I've decided to eat at a cafeteria (Luby's, etc.). It'll be like a childhood flashback.
- Traffic mess this morning: All of northbound I-35 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas was completely shut down during the 6 o'clock hour. I think it's six lanes through there. Edit: Pics.
- The guy that shot up the exercise gym in Pittsburgh left an online diary telling everyone he was going to do it. He didn't like women too much.
- Back to the freed journalists from North Korea, it's amazing what you can accomplish when you are willing to talk with a country as opposed to simply calling them part of an "Axis of Evil."
- The Wise County jury would have given the Failure To Register defendant less than two years in prison if they could have.
- I'm looking at an indictment from Jack County right now. The date of the offense is May 23, 2009. The grand jury indicted him on June 5, 2009. That has to be a record. And a scary record.