- With the price of gold out of sight, do kids still use it for their high school rings?
- A Birdie Lunsford was found dead in a Fossil Creek park a couple of days ago. I searched her name and found this portion of a court case in Fort Worth where a Birdie "Lundsford", whose age is the same, testified about being a victim of a crime in a Fort Worth park when she was 13. Weird.
- Texas Senator John Cornyn, obviously trying to get in the news, was down right disrespectful to Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday. As designed, he was on radio shows in the afternoon bragging about his performance. I'm not saying Holder doesn't deserve criticism, but that's not the way a "stately U.S. Senator" is supposed to do it. That's for the House.
- I didn't watch a second of the Heat/Thunder game.
- Car bomb kills 63 in Iraq. "Let freedom reign."
- Heard the boys on afternoon drive on The Fan talk about the Dallas Gun Show and how they were surprised there was a lot of Nazi memorabilia for sale. I was more surprised that they wanted the sale of such stuff to be illegal.
- That Mary Griffitts, a DFW attorney who was on Fox 4 last night talking about the Shiner-man-killed-child-molester case, brings nothing to the table. Steve Eager started the interview asking a very good question about whether prosecutors soft sell some cases to grand juries and she gave some goofy answer which included the phrase "the prosecution is going to have show legally this was a crime." What insight! I suspect she has never been in a grand jury room.
- Speaking of that Shiner case, the
shooter killer has apparently said he didn't mean to kill the man. Man, don't back off now. I think he should take the Samuel L. Jackson approach in A Time To Kill: "Yeah, I meant to kill him and I'd do it again."
- Sports Talk Radio: Around 7:15 last night, The Fan played the audio from The Ticket where Nolan Ryan explained his connection with snow monkeys. And they didn't hide it. They said the audio was from "KTCK". It was edited so no Ticket personality was heard asking Ryan a question.
- The new Dallas ISD Superintendent said over the weekend that he wasn't "friends" with his new $185,000 a year communications director and "never had coffee" with her. It took three days for Channel 5 News to bust him on it.
- I think the Messenger's web site is down this morning