Another 8 mile Turkey Trot in the books. Cold and a little windy, but the sun made it almost perfect conditions. I finished at 1:06:03 (about four minutes faster than last year - I credit Nutrisystem.) But I sure didn't like the pain in my non-surgically repaired Achilles Tendon.
Assistant County Attorney Thomas Aaberg showed up and finished somewhere during the 55 minute mark. That's a blistering pace.
But as I was checking in, I laughed when I saw the name of "Barron Green" next to mine (blurry cell phone pic). I don't know who that guy is, but he always runs these races and, for the next year, some fine commenter(s) will refer to me as "Barron."
Edit: Thomas finished 266th out of 4152 runners and 33 out of 332 in his age group. I clocked in at 1095 out of 4152 and 99 out of 284 in my (very old) age group.
And my unknown nemesis, Barron Green, finished 1371 with a time of 1:08:26. Scoreboard, Barron! Scoreboard. (Although he is two years older than me.)