- The country should have a one week holiday declared every year. We would all be on vacation at the same time without guilt. (Except hotel, food and entertainment employees would have to work.)
- I started watching the
Godfather for the first time ever. I had to put the subtitles on. But so far, so good.
- I haven't been in the Decatur Lowe's yet
- The headline in the
Messenger today that read "Silence of the Stands" was very clever (it was about the fireworks ban)
- Every morning I eat one low fat eggroll with skim milk
- Jeff Crilley of Fox 4 News has the most dramatic silent voice in the history of ever
- I have no idea who the girls in this photo to right are
- I don't believe you can ever learn anything meaningful if you eat lunch with more than three people at one time
- Tazers are a great idea. In a person to person stand off, no one has to die
- At every Dallas City Council meeting, there is a sign interpreter for the deaf. I bet 99% of the time there is not a deaf person in the audience
- The Supreme Court opinion today about Texas redistricting was over 100 pages long.
- My favorite moment of the day is when I crawl into bed
- I watch HBO's
Entourage but that's about it (as far as regular entertainment programs are concerned)
- I don't understand anyone who eats alone that doesn't have a magazine or newspaper to read
- I know of three
Dallas Morning News newstands in Decatur. (And the one across from the Messenger is oftentimes empty by noon).
- I read the sports page first, the editorial/op-ed page next, then the metro section, and then the business section. (And I generally skim all of it in the matter of 15 minutes)
- There should be a standardized concept to the "home menu" of every DVD.
- I receive
Newsweek and
People at my home.
- I never buy the
USA Today but it is by far the best newspaper in America
- The first time I saw the Internet was in 1996. A buddy of mine showed me a weather satellite photo that had been taken 15 minutes earlier. I couldn't believe that could be delivered on demand into your home. I rambled on and on about the Internet for the next couple of months and people looked at me like I was crazy.
- I had a jonesin' for Elaine in the first three years of
Seinfeld. After that, didn't care for her too much.
- One of these days I'm just going to walk away from it all