- A female middle school principal in Saginaw is put on administrative leave because she and her daughter conspired to video record in the locker room during halftime of a girl's basketball game to "get something" on the coach? That clear?
- Saginaw murder <--- I wrote those two words last night to remind me to create a bullet point this morning about it. Now I have no idea what I meant.
- After the Obamacare ruling, I've never seen so many people become constitutional experts so quickly.
- I record This Week With George Stephanopoulos but rarely go back and watch it. But I glanced at the "round table" segment on it last night and was surprised to see Keith Olbermann on there. I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying, however, because he looked HUGE at that table. (I meant to get a picture.)
- Someone told me yesterday that the 17 year old who was shot dead in Fort Worth had over 3,000 Facebook friends before she was killed. That's not normal, is it?
- Rangers play-by-play guy Dave Barnett has "chosen" to take a leave of absence for the rest of the year after his verbal 12 second meltdown a couple of weeks ago. Conspiracy theory: It's the last year of his contract and the Rangers don't want him back regardless of his health.
- Tom Cruise turns 50 today. Mrs. LL told me last weekend, in light of his break up with Katie Holmes, that she'd leave me for him. I don't recall hearing a "just kidding."
- Whatever happened to the lawsuit against Domino's Pizza when one of its delivery guys was murdered in a "bad neighborhood"?
- The Tarrant County DA's office will post the pictures of those arrested for DWI over the 4th on its website. Shameful. Since hiring a PR person, they have done a full court press to promote the DA and the DA website. (I noticed they will have a news conference today at 10:00 a.m. to also promote
the DA the "no refusal" holiday. But since those news conference aren't really news anymore, they will have a prosecutor have his blood drawn in front of the cameras in an effort to get someone to show up to cover it. No word of whether a dog and/or pony will be on stage.)
- The New Jersey Nets did some crazy trades yesterday (Joe Johnson and Gerald Wallace) in an effort to re-sign the free agent targeted by the Mavs, Deron Williams. If they pull this off while Cuban is jacking around with Shark Tank, Cuban will get roasted. Please. Please. Please.
- Lots of groups reading the Declaration of Independence tomorrow. Sounds good in theory until you realize it has 1,323 words in it. (I watched the reading of it bring a raucous Tea Party rally to a screeching halt one time.)