I don't understand why this "magazine" is in the
Messenger every weekend (other than my guess that they pay to be placed in the
Messenger every weekend). I think it's geared towards the AARP crowd (no offense to the AARP crowd, by the way).
But I'm skeptical of everything in it. Case in point: This week's "Ask American Profile" included a question from Eryl Burnworth of Phoenix, Arizona. (Eryl?) who wanted to know whether his "favorite comedian" Rich Little was still performing. Rich Little? Favorite comedian? Apparently Eryl hasn't watched TV since 1975.
Anyway, the magazine's response pointed out that Little "recently released a DVD called
One's A Crowd, which is available at www.richlittle.com." Spare me. If the production company behind Rich Little didn't pay to have that letter placed in the magazine, I'll buy the DVD. I won't watch it, but I'll buy it.