- "IT" at box office this weekend: $123,403,419.
- I'm not certain football was meant to be played at the Texas 1A Division in the way these scores indicate.
- A question that came up at the courthouse yesterday: Historically, does the Texas high school team who has a homecoming game normally play away the week before? I truly don't know.
- I'm not the only one who has discovered that Tucker Carlson has "dumb face."
- Sports reporter Mike Leslie of WFAA appears to be less than ideal. In addition to having sports observations of some guy sitting at a bar, he also complained on the 6:00 p.m. newscast yesterday that he had been up since 6:00 a.m. and was "ready to go bed." Buddy, do you know how hard people work?
- Leslie is a starter kit of ESPN's Marty Smith who might be the most irritating "I'm so important" guy on that network -- a title which is hard to achieve.
- There is a movie coming out about the Bobby Riggs/Billy Jean King "Battle of the Sexes" match. I explained the history to Mrs. LL last night, who wants to see the movie, and she was not pleased that King got to use the doubles lines and Riggs was limited to the standard singles rules.
- Got a report of a Greyhound bus passengers having their bags searched by police in the parking lot of a Dairy Queen in Denton this morning.
- Ted Cruz is trending on Twitterg. I don't know how to say this tactfully: He "liked" a porn site on that social media forum. And the tweet he "liked" was pretty graphic. For the first time in my life, I'm interested in what he has to say today.
- I didn't expect to wake up this morning to find out that ESPN's Sergio Dipp became an online sensation last night. And his explanation was inadvertently funny.