
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • Hey, where is Bacon? I have no idea how I'm doing on the Random Thought Girls.
  • The Cult is at Billy Bob's tonight? (Although I can't say I know one of their songs other than the greatness of She Sells Sanctuary.)
  • "'Affluenza' Teen Ethan Couch's Wild Millionaire Parents Accused of Laundry List of Crimes and Traffic Violations" - From some site called "The Christian Post". And the article is interesting only if you think having a pre-2000 history of traffic tickets, hot checks, and one dismissed assault case is newsworthy.
  • The judge in that case apparently did not formally pronounce a sentence on two companion intoxication assault cases which were tried at the same time. The Tarrant County DA's office is now grandstanding by saying they'll seek jail time on those charges. Good luck with all that. The chances of a retiring judge being bullied by public pressure are slim and none
  • Back when Richie Whitt started his blog (paywall still there), one of the first things he wrote was, "Who would blog for free?"  (Two thumbs up, pointing back, "This guy!")
  • My dad made sure I had a credit card by the time I was eighteen. Actually, it was an American Express. He told me it was pretty simple: When you use it, you'll have to pay for it a month later. Because of that I never considered charging something to be a "loan". I considered it to be thirty days of convenience.
  • November was the warmest November on Earth since we've been keeping records since 1980. Evidence of Global Warming? I don't know. Compare: Some guy in Decatur who vehemently mocks the concept of Global Warming because of a cold day in Wise County last week.
  • Mark Davis went on a War On Christmas rant on the radio this morning calling those who would take offense to a public/government school promoting the Christian holiday as "having a mental illness."  
  • Maddeningly hypnotic: "Corpus Christi Coons!"
  • Some are doggin' me for not talking politics. Honestly, there's not a whole lot of politics that goes on in December.
  • There was another house explosion, this time in Azle, yesterday. And we aren't talking minor damage. The entire home is gone. 
  • "I pay over 60 cents of every dollar to the government" - Sean Hannity lying on Fox News last night. There is simply no way that is true even if you add up every local, state and federal income tax accessed.
  • I forgot to mention that on Saturday of the Baylor/Texas contest I posted about the game seconds before it began. The first comments was within five minutes from the "speaks volumes" guy who was dogging  the President. I didn't post it. But if his intention was to momentarily suck the life force out of me, he won.
  • With all the lottery talk yesterday, there were constant odd comparisons with one being the chances of being hit/killed by an asteroid. I began to question some of those numbers (you ever heard of anyone being hit by an asteroid?)  The first page of a Google search revealed the following different answers: 1 in 3,200 (hit by); 1 in 250,000 (hit by); 1 in 74,817,414 (death by); 1 in 700,000 (death by); 1 in 700,000 (hit by). 
  • While at Jerry World for the Six Man game on Saturday I learned that giving ATT naming rights has one benefit: They now have free Wifi flowing through that place at full throttle.
  • Sports: The Cowboys coaching staff is getting dogged for not running the ball in the second half. Compare Baylor against UCLA in the Holiday Bowl last year once Baylor figured out the run was available. Baylor ran the ball 67 times and threw it only 13 in the 49-26 win. Which coaching staff do you trust more?
  • They plan on shutting down the Willow Springs golf course in Haslet in order to build houses on it?