Allow me to be in the minority here.
Richardson has passed an ordinance prohibiting a "registered sex offender" from living within 2,000 feet of a school, playground, yada yada yada. That, in essence, prevents such a person from living in the city.
Every one thinks of a "registered sex offender" as someone who abducts strangers off the streets.
But here is a very common scenario: A very stupid and immature 20 year old is dating a 16 year old. They have consensual sex. Father of the 16 year old calls the cops. The cops refer it to the DA's office to get it off their desk. The DA's office knows it is no big deal (hey, I've been there) but is scared to dismiss the case because technically the act violated the Penal Code. So they offer a probation as a plea bargain. But, under the law, any probation for that offense requires the 20 year old to register as a sex offender. So what's the 20 year old to do? Even if he rejects the plea bargain, his only alternative is to have a trial where he will be convicted (he had sex with someone under age) and then beg for .....probation. And, if he gets it, he has to register as a sex offender.
So either way he get a Scarlett S placed on his forehead and then finds out that cities like Richardson don't even want him living there.
The system is screwed up.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) the Messenger will print a list of those "registered sex offenders". Before you pass judgment, you might want to know the facts of each case.