
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

A Bridgeport man paid $943,000 to lease land which gave him the right to make the jump. Alas, it never happened. But some other guy did it

  • In a civil penalty case brought by the New York Attorney General against the Trump Organization, a judge has found that Trump fraudulently overvalued his Trump Tower condo and Mar-a-Lago and that a trial wasn't necessary on that issue. My gut reaction was that was a bad look, and that a jury needs to decide it regardless of the merits of the judge's ruling. But for a reason I don't understand, the case was set for a trial next week before that judge and not a jury. So the judge was going to decide the case anyway. Why no jury? Regardless, this will all just play into Trump's campaign of, "They are all out to get me."

  • Oh, my.

  • President Biden supported the autoworkers in their strike yesterday in Michigan.  When I was growing up, unions had a bad reputation in general.  But with the realization, especially by young people, that most workers everywhere are getting screwed, unions now have a popularity rating of 63%.

  • Unlike the crazy Amarillo judge last week, an 84 year old Reagan appointee knows that guys dressing as girls is protected speech and any law prohibiting it better be strictly and constitutionally worded. But now we wait for the crazy Fifth Circuit to get ahold of it. 

  • The Official Liberally Lean Girl dancing with knives has me a tad bit concerned.

  • The cover of The New Yorker is getting lots of attention this week. 

  • This dog knows he's the one dog in America that cops can't shoot, and he is going to take full advantage of it.

  • I can't believe Fox News aired this. Video. I don't think it played out like "Judge Jeanine" thinks it played out. 

  • The Business Second™. A new CarMax will go in right by Alliance Town Center.  How much do you think they paid for a tract of land at I-35 and Heritage Trace (northwest corner)?

  • Ticket Fans: After the Washington Post article about the case, and after the transcript of the TRO hearing was released online yesterday, The Ticket has settled its case against Dan and Jake.  We don't know the terms, but certainly they can continue their podcast, but we don't know if their non-compete preventing them from going to another radio station for few months is still in effect. But, regardless, this has been a PR disaster for the little Ticket. 

  • Extremely very legal nerdy civil stuff: You hardly ever see an opinion out of a Texas appellate court where a writ of mandamus is actually issued instead of a judge just complying with the ruling on his own. But it happened this week to a Houston district court judge. Opinion.