
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

I had forgotten this. The District Attorney who hid evidence in the Michael Morton case, and who was  subsequently elected district judge, was still on the bench after Morton had been exonerated and released from prison in 2011. He didn't resign in disgrace until two years later. He would later be sentenced to a whopping 10 days in jail -- of which he served 5 days.

  • Ok, what's this alleged murder about? The booking into jail occurred yesterday by the Wise County Sheriff's Office shortly before noon.  Pure speculation: It's a juvenile that might have been transferred from juvenile court to adult court.  There was a shooting in Cottondale in 2021 which might be it. But I'm just guessing. (The last name is missing a letter if that is it, however.)

  • A Texas Criminal Justice Play In Two Acts:
    • Act I from January of this year: "The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to reconsider its decision to let a death row inmate be executed even though prosecutors now agree his conviction should be thrown out because it relied on potentially faulty DNA evidence."

    • Act II, yesterday, performed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals: "We don't care. Kill him anyway." The vote was 6-3.

    • Encore: I've not seen one single news story about this which seems to be a pretty big deal.
  • Dateline: Houston. This is kind of a reverse Amber Guyger situation.  It sounds like a guy got confused as to which apartment was his and ended up getting shot by the trooper/resident who was inside.

  • Dark headline of the day. 

  • Debate highlights and lowlights:
    • The best three second sound bite from last night's debate came from Nikki Haley.  Here it is. It's funny.
    • The absolutely worst joke of all time came from this guy. Watch

    • Second place for worst joke goes to Mike Pence. 
  • Can we all stop down for a second and think about how insane this is? The current Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States of America is asked for his reaction to the leading contender for the Republican Party suggesting that he should be executed.  Have we lost our minds? How did this become normal? 

  • I follow a Twitter account for the statewide police union, CLEAT, which gives real time missives whenever it dispatches one of its lawyers to go to the scene of an officer involved shooting. This morning: 

  • New and Relevant: From the group that did the podcast series on Southlake, there is a new one on how the Ultra-MAGA extremists took over the Grapevine ISD school board.  

  • Last night we learned we have a Secretary of State who can play the guitar and sing very well. Video.

  • Assistant District Attorney's get in trouble and get arrested all the time. You don't see many assistant United States Attorneys, even former ones, get picked up

  • Random sports fact about a guy who drives me nuts. (I just came across this video of the punt return for #3 on 9/28/93. They got that graphic up really quickly.)

  • Messenger - Above the Fold