
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

Messenger headlines seemed noteworthy.

  • Britain just got rid of Boris Johnson and now they may boot out the new prime minister who has just been on the job for a couple of months.  I'm not exactly sure what is going on, but every story I see says that things have come to a head after "a vote in Parliament regarding fracking descended into chaos."  Last Second Edit: She just resigned. 

  • News on Tonya Couch, the mother of the "Affluenza Teen." And the news involves a delay.  The State, in an effort to come up with something substantial to charge her with, chose "money laundering" of all things.  But her attorneys, in a brilliant move, found a creative way to challenge those charges before trial by using a free speech defense.  By doing so, they got to appeal immediately when their attempt to dismiss the charges was denied. Because of that, the case has been floating around in appellate orbit for years. And yesterday the highest Texas criminal court agreed to hear the case which will cause even further delay. (And get this: They aren't even deciding whether the case should be dismissed. They are only deciding whether Couch has the right to appeal before there is a verdict. This may never end.)

  • I proclaimed last week that Herschel Walker might be the dumbest man in America. I'm rethinking that.

  • You want to know one crazy conspiracy theory that I hold? I think the story below -- which is making the news this morning -- is an absolute lie made up by law enforcement.  In this case, every single news report about these 12,000 pills are all based solely only on this press release from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Office. And every news report just regurgitates that press release with no confirmation or investigation. The release says the discovery was made at "around 7:30 a.m." at a security check point, but that the "suspect" fled but was "identified." But, mysteriously, no names whatsoever are given and no arrest was been made.  And you know what's really weird? The Los Angeles Sheriff's Office doesn't have primary jurisdiction over LAX. That airport, like DFW, has it's own police department. And the photos have all the makings of a PR stunt capitalizing on the silliness of fentanyl and Halloween candy. 

  • We are some numb to it that this big story yesterday doesn't even move the needle any longer.

  • Control of the Senate will come down to these races. Right now, if these polls are correct, there will be no change to the current 50-50 split. But I suspect they won't fall this way. 

  • This is a wild story out of Florida. 

  • Texas AG Commissioner Sid Miller's Instagram going into the home stretch. But I really don't think he's kidding if he had the power. 

  • Every story seems to just say he was found "at church" with no other explanation. It normally only means one thing when the cause of death seems to have intentionally been made vague.

  • Dallas Mavericks (0-1) stories will now beat me down, but I hear that Luca Doncic missed a game winning shot last night.