- BagOfNothing news this morning:
- There Tarrant County DA's office does the following on Twitter, and I think it's inappropriate. First, the case is still ongoing and shouldn't be commented on. Secondly, the use of a prosecutor's name is unwarranted office self-aggrandizing (we aren't talking Clarence Darrow here). Third, that quote is legally objectionable. That's fine for closing argument, but inappropriate of opening statements.
- We have a weird standard for "crazy" these days. So OU's quarterback's uncle was at bat in a preseason game when a bird was killed and that's "crazy but true"? I suspect the dead bird would say, "That's what you think the crazy part is?"
- Trump has had three panic induced tweets about Mueller since 11:39 EST last night and he's at it again early this morning. (Last week he said it was $10 million, three days ago he tweeted it was $20 million and now today it’s up to $40 million. Side note: Paul Manafort's prosecution has already led to a forfeiture of around $44 million to the government.)
- Breaking!: The hits just keep on coming in this "Witch Hunt". This is a charge by Mueller.
- But most people are interested in this silly story this morning:
- The Senate yesterday took a "procedural step" to end the U.S. support of Saudi Arabia in its war in Yemen by a vote of 63-37. They use our weapons to recklessly kill civilians and last week it was learned that perhaps 85,000 children under five have starved to death. Cruz and Cornyn voted to let the killing continue.
- Something I learned from the radio: Deaths from the Hindenburg explosion on May 6, 1937: 36. New London, TX school explosion deaths on March 18, 1937 just 50 days earlier: 295. And which one do we talk about more?
- Legal nerds only: In case you thought the "incorporation doctrine" still needed to be fought over a few rights still not expressly ruled upon by the Supreme Court, yesterday's oral argument gave a vivid clue that we can assume they all are.
- One year ago today the Today Show began with the news that long time host Matt Lauer was gone as a casualty of the #MeToo movement. And for some reason we never saw it coming.
- Not photoshopped. This is the United Methodist Building right by the Supreme Court. Apparently they do bits with the sign all the time.
- The Update has a story about a serious wreck on 730 under 287. I said before that place is a death trap waiting to happen when two cars, going opposite directions, both use the "protected" left turn lane at the same time.
- After Beto carried Tarrant County, you would think that the Tarrant County Republican Party wouldn't try to act like it lives in the back woods . . .