- The challenger to Ted Cruz gets up on stage and plays with Willie Nelson.
- We have a new poster child for paranoia -- a crazy Texas congressman:
- Our Congresswoman, Kay Granger, thought it would be a good idea to go to Moscow to meet with the Russians on Independence Day. (And, at the end of it all, she will have spent more time in Russia than in Wise County.)
- And a Senator from Montana, also in the party visiting Russia, lied to the American public by representing he was in D.C. watching fireworks.
- Houston has been inundated by rain this year and yesterday was no different. (Hobby Airport recorded 5.45 inches in five hours.)
- I am personally offended that the Dallas Morning News chose to defame Wise County on its home page this morning.
- Hey, now. This isn't exactly your old and beaten down African American walking out of the courthouse after decades of being wrongfully incarcerated. Odd: She is the daughter of Frank Lucchesi who managed the Texas Rangers during the 1970s.
- Oil is around $74 a barrel. Happy days are here again.
- This graphic shows that the trapped boys in Thailand are in quite the predicament:
- Whatever happened to the Wimbledon men's final being played on the 4th of July?
- I have started reading A People's History of the United States.
- Lady hops on statue of liberty to protest Trump's immigration policies. We get to see the bottom of Lady Liberty's footwear. Bits are fun.
- Uh, it's your job. (And I don't think you would call it a "rescue"):
- The routine front page doesn't appear below because the site where I get them is down. I'll update if it comes up. Edit: Fixed