
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

To post this back then, I must have thought meat sold in a parking lot was curious. But what gets my attention now is the gas price.

  • After avoiding COVID for the last few years, it finally got me yesterday. At least that's what a home test and a crappy feeling body tells me. This will be an abbreviated version Random Thoughts.
    • It involves chills, achiness, and congestion. I wouldn't say it is as bad as the flu, but it ain't fun. 
  • On my best day, I'm never going to the Cotton Bowl to watch a soccer match in 40 degree weather and drizzling. 

  • This will drive a lot of people nuts, but even a right wing Supreme Court knows that the borders belong to the federal government. The ruling was 5-4 yesterday.

  • I have no idea. Video.

  • No one trusts anyone.

  • I'll be glade when the Kelce brothers are gone from my TV.
  • I apologize for this illness generated effort.