
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

We need updated rankings on this. 

  • This "event" sounds incredibly overblown and of publicity seeking origin. We would have never known about it (whatever 'it" is) if the couple hadn't sent out a press release claiming it was a "near catastrophic" car "chase."

  • This seems like an incredible reach in the blame department.

  • This is a little unusual: A high tone estate sale will take place in Graham tomorrow and Saturday at an address so secret that it will be released tonight at 6:00 p.m. The event got a feature story in today's Dallas Morning News. Pictures of the items for sale are here

  • Teacher news.
    • Point. Salary news.

    • Counter-point. Teacher goes on shooting rampage in Mansfield. 

  • Trans news
    • Point: Republican women say a prayer on the Texas House floor before voting on anti-trans legislation yesterday.

    • Counter-point. (Hey, I'm just the newsman here.) 

  • A city councilman in Rhode Island was found asleep with a a crack pipe and dope in his possession. Video

  • If you get your live TV through YouTubeTV and you wanted to watch the NBA playoffs last night, you were a little frustrated.

  • "Warehouses, people! We'll see you next week!"

  • Legal nerdy stuff: Yesterday the Fifth Circuit pretended to entertain oral arguments about the abortion pill.  In a weird moment, the panel spent time dogging a lawyer about the language that was used in the brief which criticized the ruling of the (activist) lower court judge in Amarillo. The lawyer, Jessica Ellsworth, who was great, wouldn't back down. Audio

  • Messenger: Above the Fold