- Wise County active: 62, but we haven't had an update since Friday. (The Update told me this morning that the county site will now be updated every afternoon by at least 3:00 p.m. instead of every evening. Regardless, someone must have not received the memo.)
- Texas hospitalizations. The downward streak continues. Barely. I still think that thing is going to flatten out at around 5,000.
- I still don't have a handle on how schools are going to handle it once a student shows up with the COVID? How far will the quarantine and/or cancellations extend?
- The real State of the Union 2020:
- Random Sports: So Fernando Tatis Jr. of the Padres hit a grand slam against the Rangers last night (watch it) and the Rangers are whining about it because he broke the "unwritten rule" that you don't swing at an 0-3 pitch? And then the Padres manager even said he would have preferred that he take the pitch? What a bunch of babies. Here's Ranger manager Chris Woodward:
- It has been announced that these two will make an appearance at the Republican National Convention? Are they trying to lose?
- The most brutal line from the Democratic National Convention last night:
- The big rumor for the Establishment Pick to become the next state senator in Wise County's district: Drew Springer.
- 100 years ago today, the 19th Amendment was ratified which forever gave women the right to vote. That's just 100 years ago. My own grandmother couldn't vote for a time in the greatest country in the world because she was female. That ain't that long ago.
- The botton pic is from Arlington yesterday. The top pic is from Arlington last Wednesday.
- I had my first Zoom criminal hearing yesterday (they basically don't exist in the criminal law world). It went off without a hitch. The biggest change in technology over the last 10 years is that now things "just work."
- I missed this GIF from the Beirut blast.
- New Dallas Cowboy Gerald McCoy blew out his quadriceps tendon in his first padded practice yesterday and is gone for the year. Here's the video of it happening. That's so weird.
- More injury news: QB Alex Smith, who was injured on November 18, 2018, has been cleared to return to play for the Washington Football Team. No way I'd be picking up a football. I'd be headed to the house. (ESPN has a short documentary on his recovery on its E60 series called "Project 11." You can see it on ESPN+ if you want to pay for it.)
"Good morning to ya." |
- Bridgeport is under another "boil water" notice this morning. That should never happen, but it seems to happen all the time.