
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • "Whenever we hear about news from Wise County it always seems to be wheels off" - Gordon Keith on KTCK 1310 The Ticket this morning. He's so right. Are we that backwoods or do we just have an inordinate amount of backwood stories? 
  • And the Rhome story has gone national.
  • There was a Paige Harkings from Paradise who was a passenger in a car wreck in 2012 where the driver was killed. I don't know if it is the same Paige Harkings but that person was eighteen at the time so that matches up. So we either have the same person or an unfortunate name.
  • Ever heard of Moore's Ford Lynchings? Me neither. But a federal appellate court ruled yesterday that we will get to see transcripts of the grand jury testimony in 1946 which led to (surprise!) no indictments. I'm interested because I want to see how a federal grand jury and its prosecutor did business at that time. I just wish it was a state grand jury instead of a federal one because I bet that proceeding would have been shockingly a sham. 
  • Wise County taxing entities will have to return almost $3 million because of a Texas Supreme Court decision last year. That's not exciting reading but it sure is a big deal. 
  • Hey, I was called out on Facebook for my bullet point about a business in Decatur charging 50 cents admission. The question arose yesterday up at he courthouse whether this sign outside the establishment was just an "antique" for sell or are they truly charging admission. What would you think if you walked towards the place? And, yes, the business is called "Cowgirl Crap."
  • Below is Ted Cruz complaining about the national debt in 2011.  It passed $22 trillion yesterday. 
  • Sheriff Joe, who has been convicted of contempt of court, pardoned by Trump, defeated for re-election for Sheriff, and crushed in a Senate campaign, was going to speak in Arlington in April. That is, until the appearance was cancelled since no one was buying tickets. So sad. 
  • There are no judges more insufferable than federal judges. Story. (This case involved
    "the same prosecutor [which was] involved in a 2017 court session in which Judge Hughes made remarks characterized by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals as 'demeaning, inappropriate and beneath the dignity of a federal judge.'")
  • I've been saying something is going on out there: "A record 7 million Americans are 90 days or more behind on their auto loan payments."
  • El Chapo was convicted yesterday in New York.  They actually had a juror read the verdict? Really? I thought that was only in the movies. 
  • Well, actually they found no "direct" evidence. So, yes, a committee of politicians in the Republican controlled Senate who do not have the benefit of a grand jury did not find a signed contract agreeing to collusion. So he has that going for him. 
  • And Trump is about to cave on the Wall and the Budget again as the Friday deadline approaches. And how his base doesn't crucify him for the lie of "And Mexico is going to pay for it!",  will always be a mystery to me. 
  • Some trials can be so boring and tedious that the jury will acquit the defendant because they didn't pay attention and because the facts don't appear to be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. (See U.S. vs. John Wiley Price.)  Then again, sometimes a different defense strategy is used:
    "That's a bold strategy, Cotton."
  • And people wonder how a tax-the-rich theme actually gains political traction:
  • Messenger: Above The Fold (They must have put the "Wednesday" edition to bed early because the Children-In-Kennels story didn't make the cut.)