
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • If I had to bet, I'd lay money that the Fox 4 reporter didn't get the joke. 
  • A Fort Worth officer was not pleased with a defendant being found guilty of only a misdemeanor and sentenced to probation. He called the outcome just the “typical Tarrant County letdown” and noted “We call it Tolerant County for a reason.”  Buddy, you don't know as much you think you know. 
  • Whatever happened to Honey Boo Boo?
  • State Senate race: Incumbent Pat Fallon has spent $900,000. Challenger Kevin Lopez from Bridgeport has raised a little over $91,000. (Oddity about the Texas Senate: Did you know "in elections ending in years ending in 2, all seats are up for election. Half of the senators will serve a two-year term, based on a drawing; the other half will fill regular four-year terms." So each seat after an election in a 2 year will be either on a 4-4-2 term rotation or a 2-4-4 term rotation until then next "year ending in 2." I didn't know that until this morning. 
  • Tarrant County DA Sharen Wilson's most recent campaign financial report filing for the last 30 days is here. She has spent an additional $20,500 on that consulting firm out of Austin. I still do not understand that. 
  • Lake Bridgeport finally hit capacity yesterday morning. 
  • Beyonce and Jay Z channeled Olympic history for Halloween.
  • O.J. just doesn't care any longer. He is what kind of doctor?:
  • $520,000 / $350,000 / $515,000: The amount Harris County has paid three private lawyers for court appointments in juvenile courts in one year. And it is based on a ridiculous caseload for each lawyer. Another eyebrow raiser is that the county has a public defender's office that says it could handle more juvenile appointments. Something ain't right. 
  • I had honestly never heard of Jacob Wohl before this week. That little Hitler starter kit might just go to prison. 
  • It's still earlier, but Jon Gruden's 10 year and $100 million contract to coach Oakland might be one for the ages. The Raiders are now 1-7 in his first year.
  • I asked "Where's Rudy" yesterday and he showed up last night. He must have been drunk tweeting again since there is no Don James running for Senate. 
  • I've got to ask my dad, but I think as a kid I was taken to all night Easter outdoor show at The Holy City of the Wichitas in Oklahoma.
  • Trump says if the evil Caravan shows up and throws rocks, the U.S. Army will shoot them. He's a moron. Thankfully, there is not a single soldier who would do that. I think his base is satisfied with the Fear-The-Brown-People theme. He doesn't have to go full Shoot-The-Brown-People.