- Mike Huckabee has apparently joined the White Nationalist club. (And he might have stolen the pic from Richard Spencer who posted it on his Nazi website in 2013.)
- And his daughter, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, was denied service in a restaurant in Kentucky. Once again, it's kind of like not making a cake for a gay couple (which she 100% supported.) Amazingly, she then used her official government Twitter account to shame a private business.
- Trump to the rescue!:
- Former mayor pro-tem of Dallas, John Loza, who was two years younger than me, died after vomiting blood.
- Williamson County was busy. If I'm reading this correctly, they seized $80,000 out of one vehicle and $39,000 out of another last week. Always remember: In America, if you have large amounts of cash in your car and are committing no crime, the government will assume you are a criminal and try to take it.
- Conservative columnist George Will urges America to vote for Democrats in the mid-terms. \
- A Fort Worth lawyer was sentenced to five years in prison for trying to bilk insurance companies out $300,000. That seems a little harsh, but I'm all for it.
- The Democrats in Texas showed out in force on Friday for their state convention.
- Bridgeport old-timers like me can name another place:
- UT released a weird one minute promotional video which is nothing more than the team jacking around in a pool. The name: "This is how we do it at UT."
- Shout out to a stranger who contacted me about my complaints about Windows 10. He pointed out that you can install a "shell" which makes Windows 10 look and act like the old classical Windows. Works like a charm.
- We've got a new Internet star from over the weekend: "Permit Patty." She called the cops (captured on video) on a little black girl for selling water without a permit.
- This is great: Fox News brings on a couple of panelist to talk about Trump being branded a racist and the Trump supporter, and former employee, tells the black guy he is out of his "cotton-pickin' mind." He and Fox News later apologized.
- The 10 days leading UP TO the 4th of July. Ugh.:
- Trump, on Sunday, acted once again like the Mad King with no regard for the Constitution. Everyone knows (See Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982); Zadvydas v. Davis,533 U.S. 678 (2001)) that once a person crosses the border, either legally or illegally, they have all the constitutional protections of a citizen. That includes the right to have the government follow all laws even if it requires a judge or a court case.
- And I'm not going to even mention Trump's weird Sunday evening tweet attacking Jimmy Fallon, or that he accidentally endorsed a college student for Congress.
- Wise County Messenger: Above the fold.