
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • Got the a/c fixed on the Gangsta Mobile. I'm getting beaten down with home/car repairs this year. Add that to a transmission, a refrigerator, and the home a/c repair. And it's only June. 
  • I had a dream last night that I was going to demand that Mrs. LL watch Game of Thrones with me despite the fact I've never seen it. 
  • I thought the PRISM scandal would be a, um, scandal. But I completely underestimated how the Far Right Wing would completely confused as to whether they care more about national security or privacy. They seem to be split.
  • The Freshman in the House is at bad band camp and emailed us last night in a panic because her roommate had told her she (the roommate) was a Satan Worshiper. Ummmkay. After a bit of investigation, we learned that she had said she was an atheist. (Odd: The band camp is at Baylor.)
  • "Feds Digging For Jimmy Hoffa in Detroit."  After all these years, is it really worth spending law enforcement resources to find the body?
  • If you ever get a chance to watch Vice on cable, do it. This week's episode featured Dennis Rodman and Three Harlem Globetrotters trip to North Korea as the film crew traveled with them. Insane. 
  • Shark attack of a teen on the Texas coast yesterday.
  • Mark Cuban was on The Ticket yesterday to explain his "two year plan" for the Mavericks. How anyone buys anything he sells is absolutely amazing. His plan is to hope and pray.
  • The dumbest Supreme Court ruling yesterday: If police are investigating you prior to arrest, can the prosecutor use at trial the fact that you remained silent when asked a question?  Does that violate the Fifth Amendment's right against self-incrimination? The answer: Your silence can be used against you at trial. Why? Because unless you specifically tell the cops you are invoking your Fifth Amendment right, you don't even get to argue the issue. Just being silent isn't enough. 
  • Instead of asking the Update to print a notice that a jury trial has been cancelled and your service isn't needed, why not print a phone number or website on the jury notice so potential jurors can check on their own if they still have to show up.
  • The second part of Richie Whitt's RAGE demise story is up. This is good stuff.
  • Of the four criminal trials going on in Tarrant County this week, each has two prosecutors against one defense attorney.
  • Does anyone own a "pocket garden hose"? You know, the hose which weighs absolutely nothing and retracts on it's own.  Fox 4 did a "Deal or Dud" bit on it about six months ago and they labeled it, amazingly, a "deal". The last garden hose I bought was so industrial strength a fire department could use it. And I love it.