
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

Background on the "Death at Six Flags" story is here.

  • Greg Abbott has signed the most obvious unconstitutional law passed in decades. There is a lot of time wasting and expense, both past and future, that goes into a political stunt. 

  • We've got some clearer pictures of the pedestrian-through-the-windshield incident. Incredible.

  • Random weather thought: I don't remember a milder November and December in my lifetime. The Liberally Lean First Alert Weather Team™ is bored. 

  • The prosecution of Netflix, brought on by crazy Texas DA Lucas Babin who indicted Netflix on criminal child porn charges because of a French drama film, has officially been killed by the Fifth Circuit. Yesterday, the court upheld a lower federal district court judge who said the prosecution was brought in bad faith and couldn't possibly succeed.  It never had a chance, so Netflix had gone to a federal court to stop it. 

    • And I still can't get over who the DA is in that case. 

  • Insurrectionist gathering.

  • One of life's great mysteries is how Wise County is not the home of a single indicted Insurrectionist. But there's still time, two more people were charged yesterday.

  • Legal silliness: This verdict came down yesterday. "The [seven] former students and parents said that they had become sick from chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, that had leaked from light fixtures at the school."  But I'm a bit confused because later in the story it said light fixtures containing PCBs haven't been manufactured since 1979. Regardless, I seriously question causation in any case like this.

  • Very random Texas election nugget: From my review, there were two individuals who tried to get on the ballot to run for a judgeship in the Texas primary next March but who were rejected by their political party of choice. Both were Democrats and one of them was an incumbent in Houston. I want to know more. 

  • The North Dallas Tollway is soon going to be one county away from Oklahoma.

  • Mark Cuban selling his beloved Mavericks and still not holding a press conference or giving an interview is beyond weird. Something is fishy. Is he in some kind of money trouble? Crypto related? Just scatter-shooting here.