
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

This is Part II of my hot takes.  There is actually a Part III where I updated the post with reader choices gathered from the comments section (back when I had one -- it was the Wild West.)  You'll have to be a long time reader to understand some of the references. 

  • That Colorado Supreme Court decision barring Trump from the ballot had a huge caveat within it that no one is mentioning. Practically speaking, the ruling will never go into effect, and they tell us so right in the opinion. It is really odd. 
    • The court ordered Trump's name not be on the ballot but they self-imposed a stay of their own ruling. The ruling only goes into effect (on 1/4/24) if Trump doesn't appeal. And if Trump does appeal the decision (and he will), that stay will remain intact until the Supreme Court finally and completely decides the case.  So the mere filing of an appeal in the Supreme Court will keep Trump on the ballot until the Supreme Court finally acts.  But here's the kicker: There are no deadlines forcing the Supreme Court to even act on the petition of appeal.They can just sit on it and run out the clock until the election is over. Then they can refuse the appeal as "moot." But, in the meantime, with the stay in effect, Trump will be on the Colorado ballot. 

  • Told ya! So what really happened? "Police say they do not know what caused the reported issues with the students."

  • This is all so very weird.

  • A faithful reader noticed this on the back of a street sign on the Decatur square. The Nazis walk among you.

  • No alcohol or drugs were involved.  What we use to consider accidents that might give rise to a civil lawsuit are now routinely criminal cases..  

  • I'm still not sure what happened with Jeff Leach and the Collin County Sheriff's Office, but it looks like a far right Texas group really wants to see the video. They provide some background here, and it looks like the video will be released.

  • The "one of the busiest travel days" ruse is in effect this morning. But at least WFAA is blurring out the background of the shot of the obligatory reporter-at-the-airport to hide that no one is there.

  • I've said it before, the Nazi party in Germany never got more than 37% of the vote before Hitler was appointed Chancellor.  It doesn't take a majority for weird things to happen.  
    Yes, I know that's 42% of Republicans

  • The New York Tiimes consulted the Federal Reserve to answer this question. Fun little article. (Gifted link.)

  • Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the last game ever at Texas Stadium. The Cowboys lost to the Ravens (remember these two runs?), but do you know who the quarterback of Baltimore was? Joe Flacco -- who is still playing in the NFL. 

  • Kind of legal nerdy stuff, kinda political:  The Special Prosecutor in Trump's D.C. insurrection case is asking the Supreme Court to get involved immediately to resolve Trump's "presidential immunity" claim. Yesterday, the state AG's from several Republican states, including Texas' Ken Paxton, voluntarily weighed in to say that the Supreme Court shouldn't act because there is no "public interest" to resolve the case as the prosecution claims. Let me get this right. It's not a public interest, but the matter is of such a great concern that you are using taxpayer dollars to inject yourself into the Supreme Court fight?

  • Breaking sports: Florida State is about to take formal legal action to get out of the ACC.
  • It's the shortest day of the year.
  • Messenger - Above the Fold