- Today, for only the third time in our nation's history, the President of the United States will be impeached. (The vote should be in the late afternoon or early evening.)
- He fired off a Tweet-In-A-Letter yesterday which had more exclamation points than a high school break up letter. It needs to be displayed in the National Archives if for no other reason that to show how absolutely insane this time in history was.
- For a man who cares about the "Trump brand" more than anything else, he can't be having a good day.
- And since I am Fair and Balanced™:
- I've got questions.
- And even more questions.
- The Christmas light on the Wise County courthouse aren't kept on overnight or fired up for the early morning hours before dawn. (I've got a $6.99 outlet timer for mine.)
- Former North Texas State coach Hayden Fry has died. That's a name I heard all the time as a kid, but never really knew much about. Yesterday I was surprised to learn that he was born in Eastland and played football at Baylor. But the most confusing part was learning that after graduating from Baylor he joined the Marines and played football again for the "Quantico Marines" who went to the Poinsettia Bowl. Let me tell you something; I had never heard of the Quantico Marines but, I'll forego Space Force to bring that college team back. (It was disbanded in 1973.)
- The Division I Six Man Championship high school football game starts at 11:00 a.m. in Jerry World. Not only will it be televised, but they'll have the overhead skycam on duty. McLean (13-1) vs. Blum (12-2). I thought I'd look up downtown Blum, population 444, on Google Streetview:
- I completely missed that the kidnapping in the Bronx of a 16 year old caught on security cam was a hoax. I mean, I didn't even know about the kidnapping. The whole thing sounds weird. I didn't need any more questions.
- Apparently it is early signing day for college football recruiting. All the schools are tweeting its signings this morning with cool graphics and highlight clips. Baylor is using muppets. That is, the player's voice is heard through a muppet. I think I'm OK with this.
- Messenger: Above the Fold
- This front page makes me think of the Butterfly Effect on that lady.