
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • This trailer for a movie about Dick Cheney looks great if only for the cast alone.   Christian Bale (Cheney) and Sam Rockwell (Bush) look and sound fantastic. And then you throw in Steve Carell as Donald Rumsfeld and we have us a winner. (Although I am a little distracted by Bale sounding like he is using his Batman voice while playing Richard Dreyfus.) 
  • "In the ’99 Red River Showdown, OU offensive coordinator Mike Leach planted a decoy play script during pregame warmups. The Longhorns found it, used it and fell behind 17-0 before realizing they’d been duped." Link.
  • John Nolley was exonerated in Tarrant County yesterday after 19 years in prison. Who were the Tarrant County assistant DAs who prosecuted the case in 1998? There's no indication they did anything ethically wrong, but I'd like to know. It was cause number 0665622D in the 213th Judicial District Court. Online records yield nothing. 
  • Whenever someone tells me something is "hilarious" I'm automatically inclined to find that it is not. 
  • It's been a while since I've gone on a "disguised ad" rant, but I noticed The Ticket referencing  "Pro Football Focus dot com" during a generic sports talk segment here a lot lately and it sure seems shoehorned in. Paid embedded ad? A part of my conspiracy theory the Ticket's Gordon Keith, when talking about all great scary movies yesterday, said "I'm getting these from a list on a website but since they aren't a sponsor I won't mention them." That seemed like a shot of being forced to shoehorn in paid website plugs. 
  • Answer: "I need a phone charger" followed by my GPS coordinates.
  • When Trump mocked Ford he said she didn't know if the assault occurred upstairs or downstairs. She was very specific. Once again, facts mean nothing to him. (Funny caption on the CNN screenshot below.)
  • Actual screenshot when Trump mocked a female reporter at the White House on Monday with an actual screenshot of Biff and his boys. That's good stuff. 
  • The loudest I've ever heard a stadium while in attendance: When OU's Roy Williams hit Texas' Chris Simms in the end zone to cause a pick six and seal a victory.
  • I did NOT get a Presidential Alert yesterday. I'm hurt.
  • What a world we live in
  • Williamson County makes the news yet again:
  • Ted Cruz and Donald Jr. had a rally in Wichita Falls yesterday. I'll admit that's a funny shirt. (Hey, is Junior's daddy still coming to Texas for Cruz to rally in "the biggest stadium we can find" like he promised? Time is running out.)
  • We've got a teacher/student sex case in Lubbock. Question: Why is this a federal prosecution? The feds normally leave these cases to local DAs.
  • Prediction: Kavanaugh is confirmed.
  • If Mrs. LL has the TV clicker during a football game, I can guarantee I'm going to be forced to watch a replay of a "spin move." Girl still loves the spin move.