- Two men are dead in Fort Worth after their pickup went off the bridge on University Drive spanning the Trinity.
- What I Said on Last November vs. Fox News Last Night:
11/20/19 |
1/16/20 |
- Whatever happened to Former Dallas DA Susan Hawk? (Shout out to my courthouse buddy who asked me this question yesterday.)
- The Astros cheating story is nearing the level of the Black Sox Scandal of 1919 as proof plausibly shows that Jose Altuve might have been wearing a device which allowed him to be tipped off to pitches during home games. Here's the alleged "Don't rip off my shirt" video.
- He did that weird thing again yesterday. Video.
- But, then again, he was stressed.
- The impeachment trial will be the first trial ever that Chief Justice John Roberts has presided over.
- Odell Beckham Jr. has an arrest warrant out for him for slapping a cop on the butt in LSU's locker room during the celebration after winning the national championship. The Victim was telling players to put out their cigars or face arrest. Beckham was acting a fool, but this doesn't help the "Are there too many cops?" mantra. Video. EDIT: IT WAS A SECURITY GUARD which makes this even worse.
- Fox News vs. Washington Post this morning.
- Another local news personality is leaving the business. Turnover in local affiliates isn't new -- here's a list of comings and goings from just last year -- but the number which are choosing a completely different profession is a growing trend. I think started locally when Fox 4's Lari Barager left to be the PR person for Duncanville ISD a few years back. (Which was a great loss, because no one's ears perked up more about a wheels off Wise County story than Barager.)
- Baylor will officially announce on MLK Day that they have hired an Hispanic coach.
- Actually discussed on the radio this morning which is absolutely correct: If criminal trials were resolved by "Trial by Combat", the State would be provided better weapons than the Defendant because the State has the burden of proof. That is a shockingly true analogy, and I might use it during voir dire. (This is the current news story that prompted the discussion.)
- Oh, the humanity!: