- The Board:
- Texas: Although the overall trend will be downward, I bet we have a huge spike over the next two days because of a backlog of numbers due to the holiday weekend.
- Wise County: I don't know what our numbers are. Heck, even the numbers I posted yesterday were outdated because I didn't notice this:
- From national to local, all of the lack of up to the minute data certainly gives the impression we aren't that particularly interested any longer.
- Hey, I'm all for exposing jerks in this world, and the Karen-of-the-Moment is this lady who went viral over the last couple of days. By late yesterday, her name and place of employment had been exposed. Call me nuts, but can we at least hold off on the high tech lynching before we find out what happened before the video started running?
- Trump's denying that he's laying the ground work to move the Republican Convention to his club in Doral even though no one had mentioned Doral by name. (I don't know what they do about the Republican Convention. There will be a huge push to pack the venue for a "back to normal" message even when no other event will take that risk. This will be fascinating to watch.)
- This headline short circuited me over the weekend. Then I felt sorry for the alligator. Hitler's been dead since 1945, and he's still only known as "Hitler's pet alligator."
- Not a bad look.
- "[Trump] has taken something that does not belong to him - the memory of my dead wife - and perverted it for perceived political gain." - widow of Lori Kaye Klausutis, who was the subject of Trump's deranged tweet accusing Joe Scarborough of murder, requesting Twitter to take it down. Edit: Good lord. Trump just did it again and then deleted it. Double edit: He reposted it in full form and double downed.
- I railed on Lake Bridgeport being closed on Saturday. With the lake rising even more, closing it as of yesterday would at least be arguably justifiable. But not on Saturday. (It's 2.64 feet high this morning.)
- Nothing drives me quite as nuts as the "good writing" snob. I think it first started in law school when the professor in my "Legal Writing and Research" class would pronounce "literature" in an extremely Harvard sounding way despite the fact he was from Texas. (He put a haughty "chuhr" on the end of it.) Anyway, I saw the following post and clicked on the article out of curiosity. You know what the second sentence was in this "good writing" article?: "The ability to say a thing clearly and directly is rather to be chosen than great riches." Yep, "rather to be chosen." Here's a more efficient sentence: "Kill me."
- I bought a gallon of paint over the weekend and came away with these observations: (1) Man, paint expensive, and (2) the whole process - from type, color, and quantity - is way too intimidating.
- Legal: Here is "virtual grand jury" article from below.