
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • This is an abbreviated edition.
  • The Board:
    Total cases: 1,292,623

    Total deaths: 76,928
  • Texas (any time now):
  • Wise County: 28 total, 4 active.
  • Gov. Abbott proved to a weak and ineffective leader yesterday as he caved to  the pressure of the angry far right.  Lock up a white suburban mom and all of a sudden laws mean nothing. I had no idea it was so easy.  With the stroke of a pen just banish a criminal penalty, make it retroactive, and you can add a group to the retroactivity. Law-making without the lawmakers getting involved is so easy and fun!
  • Hey Gov. Abbott, what other laws that are in effect right now that might not be in effect tomorrow depending on who gets charged with breaking it? Asking for a lot of friends. 
  • And William Barr's Justice Department was equally political yesterday.  They announced that lying about a call with the Russian ambassador isn't material to an investigation about whether or not you are a Russian agent. And that's true even if you've already pled guilty that it was both a lie and material. Got it. 
  • That law and order crowd is really hard to figure out these days. 
  • America!
  • Now this should win a Pulitzer:
  • Breaking: The unemployment rate just hit 14.7%
  • I haven't posted any Dennis Prager news in a while. Watch.
  • Speaking of race relations, meet these two:
  • A Wise County drug conviction and a 50 year sentence was affirmed yesterday by the Fort Worth Court of Appeals. (A claim of ineffective assistance of counsel never works on direct appeal.)