
It's Friday. Let's Get Out Of Here.

Lesson: If you are going to fall, at least be cool at the end of it.
 Me vs. Most People I Know
 I knew there was a reason I never had a child. 
 Someone hire this girl for her creativity.
 Trump's Presidency in a GIF.
Long live Cup Noodle. 
(And the fact he has a raised fist makes this even greater.)

Can We All Just Calm Down A Little Bit?

Oh, My

The son's eulogy goes on until about the 8:00 minute mark and then a stranger shows up. She was Asian and died of lung cancer even though she didn't smoke.

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • The "Tight Ends" restaurant is using Jim Mora's voice on The Ticket in a commercial. ("Playoffs!?") I'd bet big money they didn't pay him -- and they are obligated to.
  • My new favorite thing to watch is Big Passenger Truck vs. Big Passenger Truck in left hand lane on the highway. One is running 10 mph over the speed limit and the other is on his bumper because he wants to run 15 mph over the speed limit. So they start a road war with each other. 
  • Me to a buddy yesterday at the courthouse: "I think that Aggie/Alabama game will be interesting." Him (paraphrasing): "You're crazy." Then I found out the line was 27.
  • You've heard it before: If Sandy Hook didn't cause the change of gun laws, nothing will. 
  • Any sports radio show which commits a segment to an athlete is pure radio anthrax. 
  • I'm working on trying to get off the Internet after 7:00 every evening. 
  • Attorney General Ken Paxton is being investigated for bribery after some guy donated $100,000 to his legal defense fund and then settled a Medicare case with his office. Paxton is either a massive crook or as dumb as a box of rocks. Either way, that's not exactly what we want in an AG. Austin is a clown car.
  • I've learned some of the questions that Wise County District Judge hopefuls went through in their interviews. Example: "If a friend of yours for 30 years showed up and told you he was gay and wanted you to marry him, would you do it?" 
  • Anyone else taken aback by the Six Flags commercial for Halloween? Those are some scary images that suddenly appear. A little kid would be horrified. Heck, I'm horrified. 
  • Speaking of being horrified, this should do it, and I probably should have made it a separate post. A guy was arrested and indicted for capital murder of his daughter and stayed in jail for over a year before the prosecutors figured out the cops got it wrong. It had been set for trial, continued, then dismissed two days later. Good, lord. 
  • I don't follow baseball, but I saw that some 5'6" guy hit three home runs for the Astros yesterday. #RespectTheLittleGuy
  • A very Pro Life Republican Congressman just resigned once it was learned he urged his mistress to have an abortion. That almost sounds like a dark Onion headline, but it is true. 
  • The son of Jay Novacek is suing a fraternity for hazing. And it sounds bad. I have never understood hazing, and I think anyone who engages in it has part of his soul which is evil. 


This Is Horrifying

I just heard this on The Ticket.

Think about the possibilities once you can get past audio to match up with what you want them to say.

Can We All Just Have A Do Over On Society?

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • This will appeal to only a few of you, but Justice Ginsburg basically verbally slapped new Justice Gorsuch in oral arguments.
  • The goofy tweeting Texas Supreme Court judge will make $251,800 once he he is confirmed to the Fifth Circuit. Oh, throw in full insurance and pension. I've said it for years: Government jobs are the best jobs.
  • The brother of the Las Vegas shooter is a nutcase.
  • "One of these things is not like the other. One of these things is not the same."
  • This is the Tarrant County DA's misdemeanor trial board this week. Three "not guilty" verdicts in DWI cases.
  • Odd Mrs. LL statement last night which actually made sense: "The better the commercials are, the better you know the show is."
  • She was watching Survivor at the time and I casually looked up and saw a guy with a "Running Down The Dream." T-shirt. No question that episode was filmed months ago. (I'm becoming fascinated with Tom Petty lyrics, by the way.)
  • Fox News thinks he's the Messiah? What's next? Lazarus? 
  • Now this is a hot opinion: 
  • Corby Davidson of The Ticket had a great story about taking his boys to the State Fair. "You two are getting $100 each. We will stay for three hours max or until the money is gone." They didn't stay three hours. (When I was a kid, I would have put the $100 bucks in my pocket and stayed for three hours.) 
  • My mother and I actually went into the "Freak Show" at the State Fair in the 1970s. Think about that. "Freak Show." We saw the Lizard Woman. 
  • Tillerson at the press conference yesterday not directly denying that he called Trump a moron gives me great joy. 
  • Side note: Isn't it amazing that Exxon is doing fine even after Tillerson left? He made $24 million in 2015. Those top executives are worth every penny.


Oh, My. Moments Ago.

"Daniel Scavino Jr. is the White House Director of Social Media and Assistant to the President . . . .Previously he was the general manager of Trump National Golf Club Westchester ."

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • I finally watched the new episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.  That stuff is funny. Very funny.
  • Big girl claims she was fired for a photo shoot
  • Mark Cuban is talking about a presidential run. I'll take him in a heartbeat and I can't stand the guy.
  • Two Baylor football players have been kicked off the team for "undisclosed reasons" but the coach says it is not criminal conduct. If you might not win a game in your first year, you might as well send a message there is a new sheriff in town.
  • TMZ is pretty good at breaking news.
  • There are images now appearing of the Mandalay Bay shooter's room. They were leaked. Go find them if you wish. One is hard to look at. 
  • Oddest comment from the Sheriff yesterday regarding the shooting: “I want to understand the motivation that you described, okay, to prevent any future incidents, and, you know, did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us? And we want to identify that source.”
  • Let the conspiracy theories begin!: 
  • Nothing perks me up more than Fox 4's Clarice Tinsley reading tweets. 
  • Asking someone "what do you think?" shows two things: (1) You are admitting you need help, and (2) It shows them you respect their opinion. And I'm not talking about do it for show. If you never ask for advice or help, you are a fool.
  • See, I'm not the only one: 
  • Our future is bright: 
  • The story isn't clear on how the damages were allocated so I can't tell if tort reform laws will bring it down. But that's a heck of verdict in this day and time. (A couple got hit head on and blamed a car repair company. It's like the 1980s all over again.) 
  • Former NFL Coach and broadcaster John Madden never flew because he would have panic attacks on airplanes. I used to laugh at stuff like that. I no longer do. Everyone is different. Everyone has there own issues. 
  • Amazon is looking to build a huge second headquarters and the metroplex is going crazy trying to get them. Uh, Wise County? Along the south border close to Haslet? Why not? 


Just When You Think He Can't Be Any More Insensitive

He's probably disturbed because he saw so many brown people once he arrived in "the middle of the ocean."

He is a moron.

Edit: "Moron" is too kind of a word.

Is This True?

There is no question Bridgeport is trying to annex property -- I have personal knowledge of it. But are they going after this much?

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • The Fifth Circuit heard oral arguments on the Zeke Elliott suspension yesterday, which, in itself, is bizarre once you think about it. But the press thinking they would rule from the bench like Judge Judy made me laugh.
  • The BagOfNothing guy made a donation to SPCA in honor of our recently deceased dog.  I've never met the guy. 
  • Any chance the Cowboys would be much better over the last few years if they had a coach who wasn't a robot? 
  • Speaking of dogs, the Yorkie in the House and I have a bit. When I need her to move off my chair I don't say, "Move", I say "Oh, Skeet! Skeet!" She moves every time. ("From the window -- to the wall!")
  • It's weird how seeing the news of any tragedy is more real if you've been there. I've never stayed in Mandalay Bay but Mrs. LL and I have been in the Luxor right by it. 
  • That guy owned over 40 guns? Why? Was the war on country music coming?
  • Japan had 11 gun deaths in 2008. 11.
  • And there is no obvious motive. And he had no online presence. None. That's weird.
  • I'll find it later, but the largest mass shootings in U.S. history have all occurred in the last 15 to 20 years.
  • I had an honest trooper at a hearing yesterday, and it didn't do anything to jeopardize the State's case. Nevertheless, people like that will always have my respect. A few years back one got in trouble for being honest in court with me and got chewed out by his supervisor. He quit. 
  • Tom Petty's death still seems unreal. 
  • Does Dez paint his head? 
  • Twitter will slow my Chrome browser down to a snail's pace sometimes. Anyone have any suggestions? 
  • Serious question: I see a lot of people using ATMs. If you have a debit card, why do you need paper money? 
  • I actually started crying last night when I saw the photo below. I told Mrs. LL, "She looks like you."


"And I Won't Back Down"

Can this year get any worse? Age 66. Remember this morning when I said simply waking up ever day is a gift?

"There ain't no easy way out."

Or The Biggest Moron

Good God

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • I really don't know what to say about the worst mass shooting in U.S. history that occurred in Las Vegas. It is beyond comprehension that someone would open fire from the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay into a crowd of concert goers. At least 50 dead and more than 400 transported to hospitals.
  • But it is domestic terrorism committed by an older white male using a fully automatic weapon. Not semi-automatic. Fully automatic.  
  • He was simply spraying the crowd with bullets.
  • I'm sick in my stomach. 
  • All of this, as it should, will overshadow Trump's idiotic statements this weekend attacking a mayor in Puerto Rico, a country where people are dying, while he is at one of his golf clubs for the millionth time as president.
  • Yep: 
  • Monty Hall died over the weekend at the age of 96.
  • I watched Fletch over the weekend again. Funny, but it might be overrated. 
  • I'm getting to the point in my life where as long as I wake up, it's a good day. 
  • The Messenger had a headline on the front page (I'll post it in a second) that read "Running on Empty" regarding the fleeing motorcyclist who ran out of gas. There must be a Jackson Browne fan over there. 
  • One dog dying makes you love the other even more.