
And I Would Like To Announce I Love The New Spokesman

He's right out of The Godfather or Sopranos or Goodfellas.

(And that "three foot putt" doesn't belong in that list.)

And let's check out his Twitter past.

He makes up quotes:
He is pro-gun control:


It's Friday. Let's Get Out Of Here.

That back end got just a little loose. 
After going to Top Golf, Mrs. LL wants to golf at Runaway Bay.
When a man can't even take a magic carpet ride. 
The guy in the blue almost makes me want to support violence.  
100% (Get it?)

Someone Quits The Worst Job In The World? No Way!

The wheels are coming off the White House like nobody's business.

Then again, maybe he should be gone:

Random Friday Morning PostsThoughts*

  • The Wichita County District Clerk fought with County Commissioners over the court wanting her to cut two positions due to budget concerns and the modernization of e-filing. (You could tell that meeting was tense. One commissioner asking why her employees were on social media all the time. Her responding that the budget crisis was a lie.)
  • The O.J. parole hearing being televised has to be a first. Side note: I heard his NFL pension and actor's pension from SGA are protected from creditors. Is that true? 
  • O.J's lawyer reminded me of Todd Bridges. (And that guy was awful in the hearing):
    Those are two different sized heads.
  • One of these days, when we become more evolved, the concept of "parole boards" will be the subject of Supreme Court scrutiny. Think about it. Appointed individuals, not jurors, arbitrarily determine a person's most fundamental right: Freedom. (One of the parole board members was wearing a Kansas City Chiefs tie.)
  • A hot topic yesterday was "What was the first major media story you remember?" Mine corresponds with what prompted the question: The moon landing. I was at Vacation Bible School graduation in Bridgeport, and I think it was a Friday or Saturday evening. My parents told me we were going home to watch it. And I felt like there was almost an order of, "You will watch this."
  • The White House's press conference, which now does not allow video, are getting tricked up nevertheless. Look at this from yesterday. The signs. The columns. The purple lighting. That is Idiocracy.
  • And from that assistant press secretary gal just last Fall: She provided us with this golden nugget.
  • Trump News: The Washington Post is reporting he has inquired to his lawyers about who he has the power to pardon (including himself). As my dad told me back in my younger political days: "Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel and paper by the ton." Prediction: The Post and the Times will eventually bring him down with truth. 
  • The first Cowboy's pre-season game is less than two weeks away.
  • A jaw dropping college football development happened yesterday: It was revealed that the Ole Miss football coach had made at least one call (the school said it was a "pattern") to an escort service. He quit on the spot with football season a few weeks away.
  •  Freeze was still owed over $12 million on his contract, and he walked away from it. And then he issued the following very bizarre statement. You knew things were off when it began with "one of the better football schools in Mississippi". And "Peter Senior" was talking about what? And he channeled "a vast right wing conspiracy": 
  • And the coach was caught, it seems, because of an open records request for his phone records of his government issued phone. Yep, that's what he used to make the calls. How every government employee doesn't understand their records of communications through government issued phones and computers are public record is mystifying. 
  • If you have dogs in the house then I know you despise anytime the radio or TV fires off a doorbell ring. 
  • I know many old-timers in Bridgeport who would never dream they would see this: The Chamber of Commerce promoting a liquor store in the city with a Decatur themed name. EDIT: Wow! This is a business in Decatur!

  • I hate "weather talk", but this heat is bizarre. It seems different -- probably due to the humidity and a very windless summer. For those who have to work outside for a living, you are a better person than I am. I couldn't do it. 
*The Liberally Lean editorial staff regrets this error.


Paging All Texas Counties

This includes routine drug testing (a ton of cases) and DWI blood testing (a ton of cases).

Texas DPS has a "biennial budget of just under $2.5 billion."

EDIT: WHOA! It sounds like the arresting agency will be billed. County would be responsible for Sheriff's Office cases. Cities would be responsible for their local PD cases.

Missed This: State Senator Who Represents Wise County To Probably Be Challenged

Fallon has loaned his campaign $1.8 million and raised another $200,000.

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • Kids, no way. Firefighters? That bugs me, too. But I can't come up with a reason to ban them from public medians. (Assuming they aren't in the actual "middle" of an intersection.)
  • Wise County felony court numbers (the red dots) over last 18 months. (Those are official State stats, but I have my doubts. For example, that fourth "0" in the last column belongs to Williamson County with a population of a half a million. Nevertheless, those Wise County numbers seem about right.): 
  • The report also lists Wise County's 2015 population as 62,953 which also seems correct.
  • Flashback: MTV News reports on the Texxas Jam at the Cotton Bowl.  
  • Did you see the fight in New York City where one guy pulls out a machete? How about the guy shooting out the tires of an ATT truck for parking in front of his house? How about the plane landing on a Long Island highway before he got to a bridge?
  • The goofiest Texas politician managed to pose for a goofy photo last night: 
  • The City of Dallas now has a female and African American police chief, and Dallas County has a female and African American D.A. as well as a Hispanic, female, and openly gay Sheriff. 
  • And another (Georgia)
  • Trump news: (1) Everyone will be reminded today what he said about war hero John McCain (2) For some reason Trump gave a rambling, and at times incomprehensible , interview to the New York Times, (3) He remarkably said that he wouldn't have hired AG Sessions if he knew he would recuse himself and hire a special counsel for the Russia Investigation, (3A) He thinks a 21 year old can get health insurance for $12 a year, (4) The Senate Judiciary Committee wants Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort to testify before them next week, and (5) They want Jr. to bring a ton of documents and items including those related to the Ritz Carlton Moscow Hotel. Oh, my.
  • Prosper ISD is going to build a $48 million football stadium? Prosper!?
  • Jason Garrett is tone deaf.
  • So the Dallas police have suspended the investigation into Zeke. Serious question: When is the last time you ever heard of a police agency suspending an investigation? I've heard of suspending a search but never an investigation.  It's normally, "We will continue to pursue every lead."
  • You boys have a right to be angry:
  • Why do cops steal so many traffic signs?
  • There's a lot of freaking out about HBO announcing a series where slavery still exists in the South and America is headed to a civil war. Heck, has no one has seen Man In The High Castle? It's about America losing World War II -- Germany controls the east coast and Japan controls the west coast. 
  • It's "Dollar Day" at the Dallas Zoo. Who knew a heat stroke could be so cheap?


Oh, My!

The Party Of Small Government


Texas State Senator, an extreme conservative, is not pleased:

Check Out The Song In The Background -- Subtle Humor


I didn't know Channel 33 had such a tricked up newscast.

(Credit: A friend who wouldn't want me to name him/her.)

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • "Meet a new breed of prosecutor." "From Texas to Florida to Illinois, many of these young prosecutors are eschewing the death penalty, talking rehabilitation as much as punishment, and often refusing to charge people for minor offenses. While their numbers are small, they are taking over DA offices at a crucial moment." (In other news, a Harris County prosecutor was disciplined for "inappropriate comments" to female prosecutors.)
  • Lockheed Martin had a job fair yesterday in Fort Worth and made 600 job offers "on the spot." That vetting process seems a little thin. 
  • Let me limit my daily Trump rant to three things. Yesterday, (1) We learned that the eighth person in the room for the Trump Jr. meeting, which Jr. didn't mention in his effort at complete transparency, was a Russian real estate company employee, (2) The White House named an ambassador to Russia and misspelled his name in a press release, and (3) Trump had a second undisclosed meeting with Putin at the G-20. He went into damage control last night although it sounds like he is admitting to the meeting. 
  • But I will point out that Sean Hannity was all over Trump last night as he was covering all of the day's developments:
  • Baylor and Texas have lost an unusual amount of football players to "retirement" due to "medical issues" during the off season.  That's an ominous sign for the future of college football. Too big. Too fast.
  • I'm still trying to figure out how a former Australian was killed by police when she is the one who called them.
  • A nightclub fight, a kidnapped dog, and a shirtless race at a strip club was enough to get Jerry Jones in front of the cameras yesterday. And, man, the cameras showed up. (Oh, and don't worry about Zeke. Jerry says he's "evolving.")
    "Oh, and Decatur High won't pay me $12,500 so
    I'm kicking them out of The Star for their September game."
  • I don't know why I laugh every time I think about a nightclub named "Clutch." 
  • The church that burned in Chico has given rise to a gofundme page where they are asking for $50,000.
  • This is a lawyer speaking at a luncheon/seminar in Fort Worth about what can be learned from Tiger Woods' DWI arrest. I'm fascinated by no one paying attention. I'm fascinated by the sunglasses.
  • 30 for 30 will release its doc on the 1988 Dallas Carter High Cowboys on August 24th. I'm beyond excited about that one. 
  • The failed Obamacare repeal and replace had some Congressmen skittish yesterday:
  • I'm insane now
  • Odd story: A Dallas doctor gets charged for allegedly over-prescribing opiates and running a "pill mill" leading to the death of seven people. Now his 17 year old stepdaughter has been found dead and dismembered in a pond.


Gender Reveal Gone Wrong

I think the concept is that you've got a ball with either pink or blue "dust" and the guy smashes it causing the big reveal.

He smashed it alright.

And anyone else think there might be a future problem with that relationship?

Current Dallas Cowboy and Former Baylor Bear

And there's something about the race occurring at 5:00 a.m. on Monday in Dallas which makes it extra special. (For the record, Williams said the race was at 3:00 a.m. and not 5:00 a.m. and, therefore, called it a "fake story.")

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare is dead once again.  The Republican have the House. They have the Senate. And they have the Presidency. Yet, it's over. So much winning.
  • Oh, my!
  • There was a really wild story about a medical school dean at USC. He was full throttle. But I bet that happens far more than anyone is willing to admit. This is the "young companion" - not the dean.
  • A gal who just happens to be transgendered managed to get a photo with Greg Abbott. (He didn't know.)
  • If you don't watch Game of Thrones, skip this. If you do, it'll take you a second to recognize her: 
  • The Balch Springs ex-cop was indicted yesterday for killing the young black kid. But I don't think the  Dallas D.A. knows what it is like to be D.A. You don't make guarantees:
  • As far as the top three are concerned, most Texas prosecutors would call it theft.
  • Heck of a day for the Cowboys: Zeke allegedly punched "DJ Dtrain" and Lucky Whitehead's dog was held by "Boogotti Kasino".  Edit: If you want to see the crazy Boogotti video wanting $20,000 for the dog, it is here. And I've issued language warnings before, but now I'm issuing a triple not double fake language warning. 
  • What does this mean?:
  • The Ticket has spent several segments spending the entire time promoting various HBO shows without one word of criticism. These are ads. (You really believe both The Hardline and The Musers think the documentary The Defiant Ones is worthy of a full segment?)
  • Fox and Friends came to the defense of Ann Coulter this morning:
  • I got this promotion yesterday in my Twitter timeline. Yep. Their super-computing-demographic-profiling-ad-targeting technology just proved I'm a little hipper than some of you boys believe.
  • Those Whataburger commercials where people recount how they did anything and everything to get to Whataburger makes me very sad for them (if they were real.) And I like Whataburger.
  • This is from Fox News. May I remind you Trump won Wise County with 83.8% of the vote.: 
  • The Iran nuclear problem has suddenly been solved: 
  • Here's the link to the college debt story referenced on the front page of the Morning News (below). It's entitled, "As Paperwork Goes Missing, Private Student Loan Debts May Be Wiped Away."
  • It's Decatur Church vs. Oilfield Operating Company in the first paragraph of the Update. That caused me to think of "prescriptive easement" for the first time in 30 years.