
U2 Is At JerryWorld Tonight

George W posted this earlier. This makes me smile.

It's Friday. Let's Get Out Of Here.

 Misjudged that launch point by just a tad.
 I was questioning their parenting skills until . . . 
 . . . I saw this. Sheesh, lady.
 Makes you want to re-think that 2nd Amendment thingy.
Get after it, pooch.  That Dog Chow isn't going to work itself off. 
 I'd really like to see her retaliatory assault on this guy.
"Snow what? Sorry, lady. Ain't interested."

This Morning's News

This is really amazing.

The guy who was arrested for the murder of the girl in the garage apartment near TCU has now been charged with the highly publicized and, up until now, unsolved murder of a woman who went missing in Plano.
 Molley Matheson (the Fort Worth case)

And we have this:

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • A couple of years back, a high school football player was charged with sexually assaulting a young boy in the Texas Capital Of Wrongful Convictions: Williamson County. The case grabbed headlines. He turned down a plea bargain, was convicted, and sentenced to 25 years. Yesterday, in a shocking development, law enforcement re-opened the case because they might have got it wrong. So wrong that they went so far as to name a new suspect. 
    His friends in courtroom when sentence was announced.
  • Understand that in order for a case like that to go wrong, a prosecutor had to stand in front of a jury and tell them that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. How can you get it so wrong? Or, in more practical terms, how can you recklessly talk yourself into believing something that you cannot possibly know?
  • And Another (Washington State):
  • A Montana courts reporter called out a New York Times reporter who stole her work in the Congressional candidate body-slamming case. 
  • Quickly deleted yesterday: 
  • In case you didn't see it, the Body Slammer won last night in Montana despite the incident the night before.
    A little callback humor for ya.
  • I've always told Mrs. LL I wanted to drive the famous Highway 1 in California. It looks like to do it this summer would be a little challenging.
  • A little fun long read for your long weekend: A Texas Monthly story on corrupt cops on the border. It always seems to involve unsupervised drug cops. 
  • A 45 year old south Texas high school principal shot himself in the school's parking lot after resigning. He was not under any type of investigation. 
  • Trump was Full Trump yesterday.
  • You want to be miserable? Walk around the Colonial Golf Tournament today in this heat and humidity. 
  • In a nine inning game last night, your Texas Rangers struck out twenty times. That ties a major league record. 
  • I missed that Fox 4's Steve Eagar, when talking about security for an upcoming concert in Grand Prairie, said John Lennon would be appearing instead of John Legend. I bet some teleprompter script writer got chewed out.
  • Speaking of Fox 4, the crazy guy who ended up being burned in the RV yesterday actually called Fox 4 during the chase. It was recorded. You think the station would lead with that last night on its newscast if, for nothing else, self-promotion. Nope. They did two spare stories before they got to the RV story, and then just casually threw in the call reference and played the audio. 


Someone Mentioned This The Other Day - I Hadn't Heard About It

Dashcam footage of a traffic stop involving a woman who later died when her car went into the Missouri River has been released.

The footage was released Tuesday as the Jackson County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled that drug intoxication was a factor in 20-year-old Toni Anderson’s accidental death. She reportedly had ethonal, cocaine and amphetamines in her system, according to the Kansas City Star.

I've watched thousands of DWI videos, and I've never seen anything like this. There are times after watching one when I'll think to myself, "I can't believe he was arrested!" but I've never said to myself, "I cannot believe he let him go." Never. After viewing this video, I can't believe he let her go.  The fact that field sobriety wasn't done is mind-boggling.

There isn't much to the video except a brief conversation. But it is enough.

This is where she ended up:

OK, That's Funny

From Last Night

The camera just zoomed in on Gallo for a second, and this happened. (He always has the craziest look.)

Reminded me of this famous fella:

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • In a crazy story early this morning, there was a multi-county police chase of an RV which ended up on fire on I-30 in Arlington. A had woman texted police saying she and her two kids had been kidnapped by a man (who I think she had been in a relationship with). He shot her and she jumped out of the RV at high speeds. The chase continued into Arlington where it's believed the guy let the kids out and then shot himself. The fire ensued.
  • Crazy political story last night: On the eve of the Congressional election in Montana, the Republican nominee body slammed a reporter who asked him about Trumpcare. It was audio recorded and Fox News, who had reporters in the room, confirmed it happened.
  • Later in the night, the nominee was officially "charged" with assault and all three newspapers who had endorsed him retracted those endorsements. Crazy thought: He still might win. 
  • Random Montana voting law note: You can register to vote up to 8 p.m. on election day.
  • The Eighth Grader in the House was softball pitching into the pitch-back device in the backyard, hit the side pole of it with a fastball, the ball did a right turn like a magic bullet, and traveled 20 feet right through a game room window. Mrs. LL is a witness.   
  • I predicted the Fort Worth cop on trial would be found not guilty. I was close but no cigar. A jury became quickly deadlocked and a mistrial occurred. I'm guessing the DA's office decides not to reprosecute him. (Legal nerd note: The cop was charged with "recklessly" causing injury by shooting the man. Criminal law practitioners by and large have no idea what "recklessness" actually means under law. It's not the equivalent of a "bad mistake that shouldn't have happened.") 
  • Mrs. LL's eye problem is due to the rejection of trying to wear contacts. Some kind of crazy growth began to form in one eye and had to be "scraped" off. That's two times in a year. There's no permanent damage, but I think her contact wearing days are over. 
  • Channel 8 News is presenting horribly over-produced "Originals." For example, a couple of nights ago is was about people stealing bikes. The piece began with the reporter seriously introducing the story in a softly lit room with camera angles changing. And then they went out and planted bait bikes at intersections in Dallas equipped with GPS devices and were shocked to find out they ended up stolen. 
  • Zeke Elliott, after playing D.J. with Tony Romo in Westlake, went out to a club in Dallas and then (allegedly) got in a car wreck and hit his head. He's being held out of practice. Prediction: There is no way that guy plays his four to five years in Dallas without a major suspension, arrest, or scandal. 
    Romo and Zeke singing, "O.P.P."
  • A very bizarre local story: Check the Update for the one about ducks who are seeking homes. The "power of attorney" reference caused a huge question mark to form over my head. 


And It Was An "Interesting" Photo To Start With

We Need Bridgeport Clarification

I mentioned in Random Thoughts that Bridgeport celebrated its 150 anniversary in the 1970s.

A couple of people corrected me, said it was 100, and one even sent the above image. That's pretty strong evidence.

But another guy said no -- that it was the 150th of at least something because he remembers the name sesquicentennial.  I distinctly remember that name as being part of the celebration, too. And it couldn't be for Texas since that didn't occur until 1986.

What gives?

Edit: This may be the best explanation . . .

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • I'm surprised there is not more video of the explosion in Manchester. I'm guessing since it was outside people weren't videoing.
  • Speaking of Trump (and stay with me here), I found this article fascinating. It was written by the author of Art of the Deal who tries to explain Trump's personality and why he does what he does. It's objective. Hey, we are all nutty in our own little ways and there's normally a reason for that. I think he has Trump pegged. (One thing is that Trump earnestly believes is that every negotiation is about "winning it" and not compromising. There are only winners and losers and nothing in between.)
  • And yesterday he called the terrorists "losers." It is his ultimate rebuke. 
  • The Wise County Animal Shelter is full.
  • A reader sent me this very odd 12:00 minutes of commercial footage shot in Decatur in 1969. (Posted by the Messenger a handful of years back.) The only thing I recognize is the old Franklin Five and Dime store. 
  • Speaking of Wise County history, in the 1970s (I can't remember the specific year), Bridgeport celebrated its 150 100 year anniversary.  A time capsule was buried in or somewhere near what is now Harwood Park. Isn't it about time to dig it up? How many time capsules simply get lost in time because no one remembers them unless there was some granite marker. 
  • Last night PBS had a Frontline episode on Trump advisor Steve Bannon. (All of it and more is here.) It was fascinating. After the "Grab them by" news was released during the campaign, it was his idea to have Trump appear with former Clinton accusers before a debate. His view is to surprise the media and keep them off-balanced. 
  • Mrs. LL is up to, I'd guess 1.6 eyes. (Edited.)
  • The Super Bowl in 2021 had to be moved out of L.A. because the new stadium won't be ready in time. The NFL named Tampa as a replacement location yesterday.  Jerry Jones is powerful and is often called a "shadow commissioner" but the NFL really shuns him on Super Bowls. Since that ice disaster, there hasn't even been  a rumor of when he will get another one. 
  • Nothing makes me grin more than when a clerk or a waiter, in response to me being nice to them because it's the way you should live your life, oftentimes refer to me as "boss" as in "Gotcha, boss!" or "Have a good one, boss!" 
  • Yesterday the former head of the CIA, John Brennan, testified Russia tried to interfere with the election, there were significant contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and he turned the information about the contacts over to the FBI so they could determine if there was any collusion.  And America just shrugs its shoulders. 
  • Sean Hannity is losing it over this fake Seth Rich story. And his new bosses, who authorized the retraction of the story, may fire him before all is said and done. 
  • The National Enquirer has spent the last months fawning over Trump (after Trump complimented the mag during the campaign.) Now this week they have a cover which at the very least puts Fox News in a bad light? This makes no sense.


Ok, I Can't Ignore It Again

Trump Is To Meet With The Pope

This is from 2013.  And this is funny.

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • I'm surprised that more people weren't killed by being trampled in Manchester. Horrible.
  • I'm not sure I've ever seen a person get crushed on Twitter as badly as this freelance writer out of Boston last night after he wrote this:
  • I bet security for the upcoming U2 show in the metroplex just got ramped up.
  • The Eighth Grader is Back in the House after her trip, and Mrs. LL is still down to one eye. You know what that means? I'm putting in more miles than an Uber driver. 
  • It won't interest many of you but the Supreme Court yesterday basically killed patent lawsuit forum shopping. People who are interested are metroplex patent lawyers, and the people of Marshall, Texas which has become the epicenter of patent litigation. 
  • Aren't you proud of me for not even posting the Trump's wife refusing to hold his hand in public?
  • The Fort Worth officer charged with Aggravated Assault took the stand in his own defense yesterday. I'm doubling down: A not guilty verdict is coming. 
  • Bridgeport's speed zones on 380 that go from 70 to 60 to 45 to 40 to 45 and then to 65 give visitors the impression that the town is a speed trap. 
  • Talked to someone about the Amazon warehouse in Haslet the other day and he shot down some of the negatives I've heard. He says if show up on time, be responsible, and do your job that you will promoted in record time. 
  • The Denton County Sheriff fired off some hot opinions on Facebook after yesterday's terrorist attack in England. Auditioning for Fox News? And what are odds he gets an appearance for this?
  • Very random Texas high school football note: Lamesa, which is looking for a coach, has lost 54 of 55.
  • The Texas driver surcharge program, which has led to more people driving on suspended licenses than ever before, survived yet another battle to repeal it yesterday. 
  • Sir Roger Moore has passed away. 


Leaving This Here Without Comment

What A Bat Flip!

And they are still down three.

In Case You Missed It

The rescuer had cat-like reflexes.

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • Mrs. LL is having an "eye" issue. (Meaning, one eye only.) Without depth perception, I don't trust her driving (as if I did to start with.) Anyway, that means I've been Driving Miss Daisy around everywhere. 
  • So many questions: "AUSTIN — Attorney General Ken Paxton's pastor has sued the lead witnesses against him in his upcoming criminal trials [claiming they] bilked him out of about a half-million dollars." First question: How many half-millions can a pastor have?
  • If you get charged with murder because of an incident at some place called "Tiger Caberet" in Dallas at 4:00 a.m. then your life may have gone horribly wrong. (Especially if you shoot at another man and accidentally kill your own girlfriend.)

  • Students at Notre Dame walked out on the Vice President's commencement address. #Resist. 
  • Trump went to Saudi Arabia over the weekend. Fifteen of the eighteen 9/11 attackers were from Saudi. We all just ignore that for some reason. 
  • And Trump and Tillerson dancing with swords amongst Muslims is a scene I won't forget. It  probably won't go over well with his base.(Some put the scene to the music of Rock the Casbah but I'm too lazy to link to it. 
  • And I could go on all day but let me end with this: Remember when the GOP went nuts over the Clinton Foundation? Well, this happened. 
  • Ok, I lied. One more: 

  • I'm worried about the messaging of FBC of Dallas. "Reigniting" indeed. 
  • I jumped into the middle of Better Call Saul, but it's good. 
  • The U.S. Attorney decides not to re-prosecute John Wiley Price. That office, that prosecution, and this "save face" press release (that was, of course, issued on dead news Friday) are all disasters. 
  • Both of these people have served the same time in the military. And only one of them plagarized  a portion their thesis. 
  • I've never seen The Princess Bride.