
It's Friday. Let's Get Out Of Here.

 I want to hate the guy for his cockiness, but I can't.
 Last week it was a goat. This week it is a sheep with the perfect form tackle. 
 Get me this . . . uh . . . whatever it is!
 My boyhood summed up in one second.
 What normally happens when you get mad at someone.
Equally dumb and impressive.

Remember That Japanese Nuclear Meltdown A Few Years Back?

It has created the craziest creature I've ever heard of. What if Japan decides to put them on a boat and let them float to the West Coast in retaliation for WWII? (You know they are still pissed off no matter what they say.) Maybe those boys over at the HuntingGame blog out of Wise County can get hired to wipe them out.

That Was One Mad Scramble

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • I thought that Tony Romo video, with Bob Dylan playing in the background, was cheesy. George Dunham of The Ticket this morning thought it was nothing more than an Under Armour product placement ad. 
  • Trump is going to have to release a proposed budget next week. This will be fascinating. 
  • I saw what I thought was going to be a fight behind Sweetie Pie's at lunch the other day in the parking lot behind it. It was a bunch of grown men who looked like they worked together and two to three of them were not happy with one another. 
  • Since  hospitals and insurance companies are against the GOP TrumpCare proposal, I think it might actually have merit.
  • I hate Girl Scout cookies, and I hate being bugged by Girl Scouts. #StayOffMyLawn #OldMan #DontCare
  • Mrs. LL is fascinated with any true crime murder stories. Documentaries. 20/20. That sort of thing. Makes me nervous. 
  • Hey, Wordkyle, it was announced this morning the unemployment has dropped to 4.7%. Still a fake number?
  • The Eighth Grader in The House and I have a routine: We leave the house at exactly 6:47 a.m. every morning. And we are never late, and I never have to tell her she's running late. Her discipline will pay off for her in the future. 
  • No one has greater retirement plans or health plans than government workers. And in Wise County, those are the most conservative people that exist. The smart ones realize the irony. 


Oh, my

(Despite it being the Fox 4 Twitter account, this happened in Arizona and not Texas.)

I Don't Care About Cutler Being Cut

But that's a funny GIF to go with the story.

We've all been there.

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • Bridgeport's High School basketball coach, the one who led them to a controversial state championship, has resigned as coach. There's a lot going on over there.
  • "School principals and superintendents who fail to report teachers involved in inappropriate relationships with students could face criminal charges under a bill passed unanimously Wednesday in the Texas Senate." Hey, goofballs, there's been a law in place for years that says the same thing. 
  • I'll rank Tony Romo behind Danny White.
  • Repeal and Replace of Obamacare is going horribly. Who would have guessed? "The bill, as written, will not pass the Senate." - Ted Cruz
  • The suicide guy who was part of a post yesterday was such a danger that the cops found him asleep shortly after noon. 
  • A Wise County story. And, I'm not making this up, the guy's name is "Buck Wheat": 
  • Someone asked yesterday why the Secret Service was involved in the examination of the missing boater's cell phone found near Grapevine Lake. It's weird yet common. State authorities always rely upon them for computer diagnostics. And another area they have jurisdiction of: Counterfeiting. 
  • Channel 8 let Pete Delkus do sports last night and even go "Unplugged." That guy is such a beating and they promote him like a rock star.
  • I think I'm getting Tired Head over all this Dirk love and Romo love. All they do is play sports
  • The University of Michigan's basketball team had a scare yesterday: 
  • So did a lawyer (that's a funny headline.)
  • A group which has trained cops across the nation says it will abandon teaching an interrogation technique used for decades because it leads to false confessions. You've seen the technique in many a documentary: "The claustrophobic room, the repeated accusations of guilt, the presentation of evidence — real or invented — and the slow build-up of pressure that makes admitting a crime seem like the easiest way out." The key should not be to get a confession. The key should be to get to the truth. 


I Don't Think This Would Be Very Comforting

And those are just the cars we can see. I'm guessing that white truck is law enforcement too, but I'm not sure.

Uh, too many cops?

I was talking to Mrs. LL yesterday about how my job, her job, and prosecutors' jobs (if they aren't idiots) is to oftentimes "talk people down." They are upset. They aren't rational. Showing up with an army is not the way to solve a problem.

As We Run Towards Idiocracy

A Texas Sheriff, an elected Texas Sheriff, doesn't have the common sense to not get in a fight in Whataburger like a 20 year old.

I've Never Worked In A Day Care . . .

. . . but I think she is doing it wrong.


Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • Breaking: Bridgeport ISD Superintendent seems to be leaving
  • Mrs. LL is better. Me? I not so sure. I tried to cut her a deal to use her medicine last night but was denied. (And now I just learned that someone in my office building is going home sick.)
  • I've mentioned before that one of my guilty pleasures is the movie Executive Decision. It's even greater now because one of Trump's many ex-wives, Marla Maples, is in it, and at one point the Secretary of Defense, who is facing the decision to shoot down a U.S. commercial jet, say, "Get me the President on the line. It's and executive decision now."
  • I know most of you aren't inclined to watch a Sean Spicer news conference, but I beg you do so. No one takes a bigger beating than him. Yesterday, a really smart reporter asked in connection with Trump's ridiculous claim that Obama had bugged Trump Tower, why he wouldn't release the information of the basis of his claim if he is also calling for a Congressional investigation. Basically: Why have Congress figure it out if Trump already knows?
  • I saw the highlights of Dirk hitting the 30,000 point mark last night, and I saw how Cuban tried to make it all about him. (And he didn't draft Dirk.)
  • Trump really, really lied this morning: 
  • Special note to the guy who called me an appellate "novice" yesterday. My last three PDRs have been granted. How 'bout dat? (But you were right about there is still a need to file ten hard paper copies in the Court of Criminal Appeals in addition to e-filing. I find that amazing.)
  • I actually got sucked into The Bachorler the other night when everyone in the house was asking, "What do you think about her?" I told them she was trouble, and he needs to keep away from her. He then gave her a rose, and I threw my hands up. (Then I went to bed in shame for watching that dumb show.)
  • The Panhandle was on fire yesterday:
  • I watched Fox 4 News again last night. Steve Eagar flubbed two lines in the first four minutes.
  • That missing guy by Grapevine Lake is a bizarre story. His boat was found on shore and his two year old was found wandering. But he is still missing. 


I've Never Heard Of This Guy

But he is taking a beating today for the comment. As is the GOP's healthcare proposal.

Edit: Oh, my.

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • Mrs. LL may have the flu. That puts me at home and praying I don't get the flu.
  • I've never seen so many people sick this winter/spring. I learned yesterday a gal at the courthouse had pneumonia. 
  • And winds of 40 miles an hour during blooming season doesn't help allergies. That was insane yesterday.
  • Trump, after his goofy "tapping" tweet, pretty much has hide from public view for two days. 
  • Jimmy Buffett is opening up a Margaritaville Retirement Community. First restaurants. Then hotels. He's been a cash machine for those willing to hear and buy into the same crap for years. (Seriously, how can people pay money to listen to Margaritaville for the millionth time?)
  • At the same time the College Freshman Not In The House is home for spring break, Mrs. LL has placed an envelope next to my recliner that is from "fedloan." I don't want to open it. She's a master of getting me to agree to stuff when I'm not paying attention. 
  • Alleged Fort Worth bad cop.  
  • The Republicans have released their replacement for Obamacare. It includes pre-existing conditions. The concept is great but that is not a viable business model for the open market. I said it a couple of weeks ago: Write down what your premium is now and what your deductible is and check back with me in four years. Both are going to explode.
  • Banking in Wise County has become very creative based upon an ad in the Update. 
  • I feel sorry for copying companies. I filed a Petition last week in Austin by e-filing. Just five years ago I had to go get 10 copies, bind it, and mail it. It's like the scene from Michael Scott in The Office when he tells a class of college students "Write this down. Paper is the future." and then the camera pans to the students who all "write" it down on their laptops. 
  • But there are just a handful of e-file companies who are approved by the State of Texas and they are making a fortune. There has to be so much corruption there to get that deal done.
  • I'm beginning to wonder if the prosecutors in the John Wiley Price trial know what they are doing. It took two hours to read the indictment and they have bored the jury to death during the first week. You don't win cases that way. 
  • Weight loss ads are the worst. I actually heard a radio ad this weekend which said, "If you experience too much weight loss from [the pill], just cut the dosage in half!" Come on. That's fraud. And the morning guys of WBAP should be scared about being sued for fraud -- they have consistently promoted weight loss programs that are worthless. 


Don't Get Me This Alligator!

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • He's lost his mind: 
  • I'm just glad he seems to be unaware of North Korea missile testing.
  • I lashed out at someone on Twitter this weekend because of something a guy said to me. Mrs. LL later: "You STAY in your three point stance." 
  • They are going to build an IKEA at 287 and I-35W.
  • Arkansas plans to execute eight men in ten days. There's no way an Arkansas jury and/or prosecutors got something wrong, right? 
  • There was a 7-alarm fire near Preston Road and Northwest Highway which destroyed all 60 units in the complex on Friday -- it was about as massive of a fire I've ever seen. 
  • I'm going more and more off the grid on weekends, and it is fantastic. 
  • Keller High School used an interesting character in one of its tweets this morning:
  • I went by downtown Fort Worth for the first time in a long time and saw a massive fenced in area east of 35. 200 feet tall? Is that a golf driving range?
  • I stumbled on Jaws this weekend and had completely forgotten how great it is. 
  • I'm still doing my boycott of Fox 4, but I think I found another station I can cross off my list: 
  • Donald Trump doesn't have a dog.