
The Original Office Taking You Into The Weekend

Dance floor, here I come!

Confetti is still open, right?

Trump 2016!

More that Game 7 of the last World Series
Sure. Try to embarrass him. That'll work out fine.
 Are you not entertained?!
I think I've figured it out: Who doesn't like watching a Honey Badger? 

Let's Check In On The Today Show



I guess you have to roll with the times.

And While The Republican Debate Was Going On . . .

Hillary was at a fundraiser having a selfie taken with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

(Sometimes this blog could just write itself.)

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • The Republican debate was beyond entertaining. I've said it before, because of Trump, we are watching the most bizarre political drama in American history. And with Trump's constant threat to run as an Independent (and, boy, did he double down on that last night), he now single handedly controls the Republican nomination. 
  • Mrs. LL turned to me during the debate and asked, "He can't possibly win, can he?" I paused. I thought. I paused. I thought. And then I said, "I no longer know."
  • Is there anything more irrelevant the Fox's Frank Luntz and his "focus group"? Who are those people? I don't even think they reflect the views of Fox News viewers. (They bashed Donald Trump after the debate as if they had never seen Trump before.)
  • I think Trump's poll numbers will rise but I also think the Republican base is beginning to realize there might be a problem.  And Fox News has no idea what to do now.  He's like an unplanned pregnancy caused by their past reckless rhetoric. 
  • Rand Paul tried to use the Fourth Amendment to win the debate last night. Note to Paul: The hardliners can't find the Fourth Amendment. That will get you no where. (I heard Mark Davis this morning criticize Paul and actually used the phrase "Those heroes at the NSA who are keeping us safe." The NSA is the government organization reading your emails and listening to your phone calls without a warrant.)
  • First item in the Update is Chaos-In-Rhome related: Two city councilmen resign as well as the City Administration. But the City Administrator is also Chief of Police and he'll keep that job. Wait. What? 
  • One more debate thought: A subject that wasn't part of the debate was the economy. Oh, how far we've come. 
  • Few details, but four people, including three teenagers, were killed in a wrong way driver type crash near Greenville last night. 
  • Viking Adrian Peterson's two year probation for injury to a child was reduced from two years to nine months by the presiding judge. Montgomery County District Attorney Brett Ligon (a big "look at me" kind of DA) said the judge seemed "enamored with an elite athlete." Enjoy your next court appearance, buddy.  (Ligon has always been a government employee. Well, except for the time he worked as a lawyer for Houston Police Officer's Union where he was paid by union fees taken from the government checks of the officers.) 
  • Had another out of town lawyer ask me at a docket yesterday, "How does all of this work?" With mixed emotions, a nicely told him how it all works.
  • I keep hearing a ton of commercials for pre-paid legal defense (both civil and criminal) for CHL holders.  It seems to run about $10 a month.  I'd like to know the number of CHL holders who have been sued or criminally prosecuted in Texas for using a gun. Not a single case comes to mind. 


The Republican Debate Wrap Up

If Trump doesn't soar in the polls I'll be stunned.

This is getting really, really weird.

Williamson County Will Always Make Prosecution News

It seemed like a small issue that snowballed. A judge issued a gag order in a case (always seems silly), she then sent an email to the Austin American Statesman to respond to an allegation she with held evidence in the case (damage control might be worth violating the gag order), the judge gets mad and orders her to appear at a hearing (predictable), and then she doesn't show up (uh, oh.)

She actually got 10 days in jail but is out on bond.

The judge is retired but is presiding over the case as a "visiting judge".  He's been around a long time in the Houston area and gained some unwanted press when he presided over the "sleeping defense lawyer" case where the defendant received the death penalty.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick On Mark Davis Show: Was That True?

Yesterday he said the following about Planned Parenthood. He recalled a hearing when he was in the Texas Senate while he was trying to pass a bill requiring a person seeking the termination of a pregnancy to watch her sonogram.

He said:

I remember this testimony from a young lady back in 2009 -- and it took me six years to pass the sonogram bill but you never give up -- and I said her testimony that morning was so compelling that we are going to keep pursuing this until we have a victory. And she was a young girl who was not married and was there testifying with her boyfriend. They were going to get married. She was pregnant. She testified how she went to Planned Parenthood. And – she was a young teenager - She was even . . . Planned Parenthood sounded like a place to go talk about parenthood. She wanted to have the baby. Her and her boyfriend had decided to have the baby. And she went there and Planned Parenthood told her, according to her testimony, that there was no heartbeat and the baby was dead and they pushed a piece of paper in front of her and told her to sign it and get an abortion. She broke down in tears that day at the center. Ran out because she was in shock. And she found out from a friend that there was a crisis pregnancy center – a Christian based place – in the area and she went to them to seek, in essence,  a second opinion. They told her that the baby’s alive. There is a heartbeat. She was lied to. And she sat there that day [at the hearing] pregnant ready to have the baby and told her story. 

Here's a research project: Is that true? Her story certainly can't be confirmed and even Patrick leaves himself an out by saying "according to her testimony". But my question is: Did a teenager testify before a committee in Austin where Patrick was a member and actually say that? I have serious doubts but I could be wrong.  I don't know where to start.

(He later compared Planned Parenthood to ISIS.)

Edit: If he is correct that 2009 is the year, it would have been Senate Bill 182 that was was introduced and would have been the basis for the hearing with the teenager. So far, I found nothing to back him up but I'll continue to look.

Edit: Research update. There was a hearing on March 19, 2009 on the bill in the State Affairs Committee that Patrick took part in.  I've discovered that it was closed to the public. (WHAT??!!).  But here is a list of witnesses in favor of the bill so the search narrows:

Calix, Casey   (Self),  Cedar Park, TX
DeVillez, Lori   (Self),  Round Rock, TX
Friedewald, Vincent   M.D.  (Self),  Spicewood, TX
Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn   (Texas Eagle Forum and Self),  Weatherford, TX
Graham, Elizabeth   (Texas Right to Life),  Houston, TX
Holze, Margaret  (also providing written testimony)  (Life Advocates),  Houston, TX
Nickols, Beverly   M.D.  (Self),  New Brawnfels, TX
Nunnelly, Patrick   (Self),  Austin, TX
Roberts, Beverly  (also providing written testimony)  (Concerned Women for America, Coalition for Life)
Ross, Elizabeth   (Self),  Austin, TX
Saenz, Jonathan  (also providing written testimony)  (Free Market Foundation),  Austin, TX
Scheffler, James   (Self),  Salado, TX
Weber, Randy   (Self),  Pearland, TX
Williams, Terry   (Self),  San Marcos, TX

Edit: A VERY resourceful reader found video of what I thought was closed hearing.  It's at 3:48.  The boyfriend Casey Calix is the one who gave the story with Danielle Froehlich by his side who did not say a word.  Dan Patrick embellished it a bit, but it was essentially what he said.

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • I really haven't paid much attention to the Planned Parenthood controversy, but I did hear Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick say that criminal charges should be brought against them.  He apparently doesn't understand the most basic criminal law premise that a person cannot be convicted based upon an out of court statement that has no corroborating evidence. 
  • I like describing the current heat wave as "oppressive".  And I can't imagine the beating it is upon those who have to work outside. Let me quote Ali G: "Respect".
  • I watched the first 20 minutes of Birdman and was hypnotized.  It is soooo Black Swan like.
  • I have the hardest time sitting down and watching anything more than 30 minutes long. 
  • I think it is weird that Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis has created a "panel" of lawyers to review the Sandra Bland case. Hey, you were elected to do a job and make decisions. Do it.  (He is paid $125,000 by the state in addition to whatever the county decided to kick in.) 
  • Upon reflection, I think I was too hard on Tarrant County DA Sharen Wilson's for the policy of having prosecutors show up by 7:45 a.m. and not leave before 5:30 p.m. Her reasoning: "Well if you're a crime victim, if you're the police, if you're a court, or if you're a witness, sometimes you need to be able to call the government and get a response [after 5:00 p.m.]" Not to mention that the first part of having a job is to be there. 
  • I know I've been Mark Davis a lot lately, but I think he's lost his mind. Yesterday, he said he thought it was legal and appropriate for a city to ban the creation of a mosque if that was the will of the citizens of the city. (He's smarter than that.)  He made an exception if it could be assured that no one would ever be groomed for terrorism in that mosque. I almost hope he's doing a bit instead of actually descending into insanity. 
  • There was lots of praise for George W. Bush reporting for jury duty yesterday. Uh, what do you think what the press would have been if he had ignored the summons? But he seems like the kind of guy who jumps at the chance to get out of the house and hang out with people. 
  • Hot sports prediction: The Dallas Cowboys over/under for total wins this year is 9.5.  Take the under.
  • 700 people have signed up for Obamacare in the Decatur zip code of 76426. (If this site is cprrect.)
  • Overheard at the Wise County Courthouse yesterday from a lawyer: "If you get caught peeing on a tree two times you have to register as a sex offender for life in Texas."  I would love to have a picture of my facial expression at that moment.
  • Since I had an odd Bible story post yesterday, it reminded me of another: Moses persuaded God to change his mind
  • The first item in the Update proves that Rhome government has gone back to Full Wheels Off Status. 
  • Lake Bridgeport is full and I'm already getting reports that game wardens are jacking with people. I will never understand how the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals upheld a statute allowing game wardens to stop any boat for a "safety inspection." No probable cause. No reasonable suspicion. No logic. (The case originated when a boat left Sneaky Pete's in Lewisville.)


Oh, My! Can You Imagine The Number Of Illegal Votes That Will Be Cast!!

I'll put the over/under at five.


Here's a question for you legal gurus: The opinion was by the typical three judge panel but one of the judges was a district judge who was "sitting by assignment". Why? They don't have enough?

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • A sex offender in Fort Worth, who has ties to Wichita Falls, walked away from a halfway house last night.  You know what's odd? This wasn't an escape from prison. It was the second time someone has "escaped" from being incarcerated after being housed due to Texas' "civil commitment" law. (That's basically a law that allows someone who has been convicted of a sexual offense to be indefinitely incarcerated even though they have served their prison sentence.)
  • Darren Woodson is going into the Cowboys' Ring of Honor.  He and I went to Las Vegas together once. Some might say we happened to be on the same plane together, but that would be just a trivial side note. 
  • It sounds like someone committed suicide by stepping in front of a train in Keller this morning. I guess if you have worked up the nerve to kill yourself, you can work up the nerve to do it in a violent way. (I suspect BNSF would appreciate other methods.)
  • “We have a real anxiousness about Islamic people, Muslim people coming to Farmersville . . . You just can't trust them." - Pastor David Meeks of Bethlehem Baptist Church at a city meeting last night about a proposed Muslim cemetery. (Man, that name sounds familiar.)
  • For the heck of it, I went out and again tried to turn the cut off valve for the water to the house last night. To my surprise, it easily turned with no problems. I'm guessing letting the WD-40 sink in for a couple of days did the trick. 
  • For some reason last night I decided to watch the Breaking Bad episode where Walt says, "No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"
  • Did Dallas survive the EXXXotica Expo? I have been looking for news reports of pillars of salt. 
  • Ok, enough Sodom and Gomorrah humor.  But before Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt, his reaction and response to a crowd which at gathered at his door will ill intentions has to be one of the most bizarre stories in the Bible
  • I'm not sure the DFW weatherman aren't doing a bit regarding this weekend's temperature. It started at 103. Then one went with 104. Pete Delkus has now gone to 107 for Sunday. Fox 4 matched him and then went to 108 for Monday. 
  • Rick Perry failed to crack the top ten so won't be in the Republican debate tomorrow.  With only 2% of Republican support, I think I'd call it a day. After 15 years as governor where his taxpayer funded salary reached $150,000 and where he lived free in the governor's mansion (or lived free of charge in a rent house at a taxpayer cost of $10,000 a month), and since he now receives a taxpayer funded pension of $92,376, I think he has done enough for us. 
  • Man, look at these pictures and get your popcorn ready . . . 

Drop The Towel, Sheriff

I like judge Gallagher but this order is a little odd. Legally, I doubt that a district judge can tell a Sheriff how to conduct his book in procedures. Practically, any Sheriff would probably just say, "Ok, fine" we won't do it. Politically, why issue this order to begin with?

(For the curious, Collin County historically uses a towel during book in photos because those photos may later end up in a photo lineup.  The towel prevents clothes from influencing the decision of anyone shown that lineup.)

Ozzy Osbourne's Daughter Takes On Donald Trump

Ok, girl. Go get him! Let's hear it!!

“If you kick every latino out of this country, who is going to to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?"

Get Me This Dog!

(Thanks, Keith.)

Random Law Enforcement Social Media Post

An officer posted this after a defendant accepted a plea bargain on gun charges during the middle of a trial. That's the prosecutor on the left.  The guns had been tagged as evidence.

Not exactly the exercise of the best judgment in the world.


Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • Donald Trump continues to soar in the Republican polls. Fox News is giddy about this. I'm giddy about this. How crazy is that?  I'm searching for an analogy because I think this is a train wreck/self implosion in the making while others think he's the conservative savior. Help me out.
  • If you refer to Ted Nugent as "Uncle Ted", I'm worried about you.
  • College Game Day is coming back to Sundance Square to kick off the college football season. I went down there last year and will probably do it again. (Get ready for an Alabama invasion.)
  • The Messenger is about to give us a bunch of pictures of the new V.R. Eaton High School which is off of 287 past the Saginaw cutoff.  That place is massive and seems to be surrounded by more athletic fields than Valley Ranch.  Question: How is traffic going to work for that thing?
  • This morning Mark Davis promoted an upcoming investing seminar in Tyler presented by "Pastor David Mitchell". I googled it and this is what is on the "buy tickets" page for the seminar: "BUY 1 TICKET FOR $99.95 ($4,500 VALUE) GET 1 FREE!"   You kidding me? On a different page, they actually have a $4,500 button below the $99.95 button in an apparent effort to prove it really is a $4,500 value. My incredible distrust for this group and desire to run as far as possible away from them is only exceeded by their hubris. (And there seems to be a strong Baylor presence in that group.)
  • I will continue to offer Liberally Lean for free for the foreseeable future -- That's a $4,500 value.
  • I learned Jason Garrett has 28 nieces and nephews. I have two.
  • Anyone want to justify this: Video shows third grader handcuffed (around his arms) by Kentucky deputy.  (That caused me to yell at the TV last night.) 
  • BagOfNothing writes about going to Burger's Lake yesterday. I went there when I was 17 years old -- in the middle of a spell of teenage heartbreak angst -- and have never been back. That's amazing because I loved that place. Afterwards, my two buddies and I stopped at some place on Lake Worth and jumped off a platform which had to be over 50 feet tall.  They dove. I just jumped.
  • I was working for my dad at his store on that day, and I timidly asked to take the afternoon off. He did. But he also said, "You need to decide if you want to work or you want to play."  There are the oddest moments in your life that you will never forget and which will have an impact forever. 
  • As expected, Boyd ISD named the high school football stadium after former coach J.G. Cartwright last night. But I got caught up by this extra sentence about the story in this morning's Update: "Trustees also awarded the Boyd Elementary roof project to American Pride of Dallas."  In addition to being an odd fact to add to the story, I started to laugh at a company which named itself "American Pride".  What are the chances of there being a bald eagle in the company's logo? Spoiler alert: They do.  How they don't have Lee Greenwood automatically playing has to be an oversight. 

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?

We are heading towards Idiocracy at warp speed.

OK, All Ye Who Mock

So I mentioned my bathroom project where I temporarily rerouted the water to fix the toilet.  Almost immediately, my many admirers called me an idiot for not shutting off the water to the entire house since the inline to the toilet wouldn't completely close.

I'm stupid but not an idiot. I thought of that!

I went to in the front flower bed and found it. It's new school and simple. It pretty much is this:

The house is probably 12 years old or so, but I bet that shut off value has never been turned. Why do I believe that? I couldn't budge it! I used WD-40. I tapped it with a rubber mallet. I used tools for leverage. Nothing.  I would have used a vice grip but there is not as much room on the neck as the one depicted here.

But given the option of snapping that thing off and/or having Old Faithful come to life, I let well enough alone. I'd used PVC pipe and comedy to fix the toilet before I'm screwing up the water supply to the entire house.

So here's my question: Are there any tricks to getting that thing to turn? I really don't want to call a plumber for that but it needs to work.  One of these days I'll have a busted pipe and that won't be the time to try and figure out how to get that thing to turn.

Lady Cites Articles Of Incorporation To Try To Avoid Detention

I give cops the business all the time, but this guy was great. He keeps his cool. He doesn't go nuts. And although the handcuffing isn't caught on film, it sounds like he uses only the force necessary to achieve the purpose.

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • I don't know if indicted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is guilty but his best defense might be that he's not smart enough to commit securities fraud.
  • I dog Joel Osteen all the time but a guy who I really have my eye is Frisco pastor Keith Craft. Something doesn't seem right. 
  • "The Texas Legislature left it up to county commissioners to decide whether the sheriff, constables, the district and county clerks, treasurer and tax assessor-collector must file" personal financial statements. I did not know that. (The Denton Record Chronicle provided convenient links to all campaign financial reports and personal financial reports last week.)
  • You do realize that if someone is pro-choice that they hope there is never an abortion, right? 
  • Lockheed Martin's F-35 has been cleared for combat. At a cost of around $100 million a piece, is it worth it? How many drones capable of surgical strikes would that much money buy? 
  • Mrs. LL has poison ivy. I keep trying to convince her it is leprosy. 
  • Someone asked me what would happen if I fought Ronda Rousey. I feel comfortable in saying that I would be in the fight up until the moment she caught me and then killed me.
  • "Boyd ISD trustees will discuss and consider attaching a name to the district’s football stadium at a special meeting tonight."   I suppose it is a no brainer that they will name it Cartwright Stadium but it would be funny if they surprised us and  named it IGA Stadium or Allsups Stadium. 
  • Craziest home repair ever this weekend: I had to replace the inner workings of a toilet but discovered that the inline water line would not completely shut off the water (it was a pretty big trickle.) So how am I supposed to disconnect the running inline water connection and fix the toilet?  Uh . . . PVC pipe!! I created the craziest setup where the water drained into the shower while I fixed it. It was right out of the Three Stooges. 
  • Blows my mind every time I see it: "With 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States holds about a quarter of the global prison population."
  • A NASCAR driver almost killed his pit crew.
  • Very random sports observation: I watched the end of the Nebraska/Texas 2009 Big 12 Championship game over the weekend and that last minute might have been the worst time management by Mack Brown in the history of ever. I think he would have been fired the next day if that one second wasn't put back on the clock. 
  • Had someone ask me if I could do it all over again and could go to any college I wanted (cost and being admitted are a given), where would I go. That really got me thinking. I was torn between the West Coast with options of USC, UCLA, Cal-Berkley, Stanford, or Pepperdine and the South with top options of LSU, Alabama, Georgia, Ole Miss, Georgia or South Carolina, and the obligatory Ivy League and Northeast school choices of Harvard, Yale, MIT or NYU. 
  • Baylor's Lache Seastrunk might not even make the Cowboys final roster but it's amazing that a guy who holds the all time Big 12 record for yards per carry can't make it in the NFL.
  • I saw online that an old girlfriend announced she was getting married for the third time.  I almost messaged her with a line of "So you're telling me there's a chance?"  But age and maturity caused me to walk away from the keyboard.


30 Years Ago Today

And this photo is haunting. I drove by it  in the late 1980s on my way to work every day. I knew that dent was caused by the crash, and I felt like I was the only one who did.

And if you ever want to ponder the Butterfly Effect, think about William Mayberry, 28, who died after his car was hit by the plane on 114.