
The Messenger is doing something different -- a four part series on a lady sent to federal prison. And the author is a name that I haven't seen before (but maybe I've just missed it.)

This Will Send The Obama Camp Into A Panic

"We've got to go up against this guy??!!!! Everyone to the Situation Room! Now!"

Friday Frivolousness

I hate getting sucked into covers, different versions, and lip dubs of this song but it happens every time.  As Bing Crosby said to David Bowie after that "Little Drummer Boy" mix, "Catchy little tune, isn't it?"

Breaking: Disregard That Triple Crown Talk

Is this true? Doug O'Neill is the horse's trainer who has had his own issues of late.

Edit: Looks like it is true. Injury seems to be the reason.

Owner Of Patriots At Heat/Celtics Game Last Night

Who knew his daughter was someone named Ricki Noel Lander? What? I might be mistaken about something?

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • A19 year old from Saginaw is walking to Washington DC with a cross on his back. I don't like his chances.
  • LeBron James is only 27. He was a beast last night. And had a beer poured on him on the way to the locker room.
  • "Spectator at Fort Worth murder trial lunges at defendant." And he was tackled "mid-air" by a bailiff?
  • There's a chance to see a Triple Crown winner tomorrow but it is exactly the kind of event I'll forget to watch. (And when I hear the name of "I'll Have Another", I think of Animal House.) 
  • Mrs. LL sent in her passport with a name change form and she got a new one within three weeks. Everything was great except the new one didn't have her name changed.
  • There was a wreck at 114 and 51 yesterday. Two days ago a lady up at the courthouse was telling us how dangerous that stretch of road is due to the construction. 
  • Is the "Glee Camp" listed in the Update based upon the TV show Glee?
  • Dennis Miller is at the Bass Hall tonight. I wonder what attendance will be like. A humorist who appeals to curmudgeons seems like a tough sale. 
  • If the prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case really threatened to sue Alan Dershowitz for slander, then George Zimmerman should be very happy: The government's lawyer is an idiot. 
  • I'll try to find out what the story is with the "not guilty" verdict in the Sexual Assault of a Child case in Decatur. There was a weird vibe around the trial because no one seemed very interested in it. And the jury even seemed different, but I'm not sure I can explain how. 
  • Military suicides has become an alarming trend.
  • There's some kind of bomb threat in Burleson this morning. Developing . . . 
  • In the appeal of the "no body" Denton murder case, the defense asked for four extensions of time to file their brief but after about six months from when it was initially due, it finally was done.

The Search For Billie Harris

Give him 3:44 of your time. It will be more respect than a Wise County's congressman gave his widow.

Texas Republican Convention Going On

In the exhibit hall, the Watauga Tea Party warns you about smart meters.

As if I wasn't paranoid enough, now they throw this at me!!


Edit: Look what else is there

Edit: And here is the video that goes with the story below.

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • "Almost 1/3rd of law school grads aren't working as lawyers. Salaries are shrinking, while tuition is soaring."  There's just a weird atmosphere out there.
  • Dallas ISD has a history of screwing up who it picks for superintendant. It seems like it has happened again. The new hire has decided to bring along a "spokesperson" (PR gal) from his past district. That's fine. Until you learn he wants to pay her $185,000. She made $87,000 in her current position and the old Dallas ISD spokesperson made $133,000. (And they might want to check into that relationship. She's smokin' hot based upon the photo in the above link.) Edit: She's only 31.
  • The author of Farhenhit 451 died yesterday. I've never read it.
  • My book on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is good but not great. But I did learn something yesterday that I should have already known: That guy was the one who personally beheaded New York Times reporter Daniel Pearl. Vicious.
  • "It's D-Day and the History Channel has a Pawn Stars marathon and Google honors the drive-in theater." - Tweet from bagofnothing guy last night. 
  • I'm in:  Quentin Tarantino is directing a new movie, Django Unchained,  a western about a bounty hunter who needs the help of a slave, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Christoph Waltz, and Jamie Foxx.
  • I've got a T-shirt of Travolta and Jackson from Pulp Fiction holding bananas instead of guns.
  • Fox 4 had a reporter out at DFW Airport this morning to cover plane delays. What would normally be a throw away segment was pretty interesting. There were hundreds of people sleeping and standing in line all night (with no ticket agents even on duty.)
  • The would-be Paradise model is Miss June on HowardTV.
  • A fascinating trial in Houston right now where a man shot a party-goer from his neighbor's house and it was all recorded on tape.
  • I would write something about the agg sex assault trial going on in Wise County but it is not fascinating. Thirty-something year old allegedly had consensual sex with a 13 year old which is a crime because she can't consent. 
  • Dear Mrs. LL: Sorry I told you the final game of the College World Series was rained out. They actually played the game last night and it ended after midnight. The good news is that your prediction came true: Alabama won.
  • Get me this pig!


Kennedy In Dallas Photo

Where did this come from? I've never seen it before.

Found on Facebook and the nutcases are already coming out of the woodwork in the comments there.

Need A Little Clarification

"At about 7:15 p.m., shots were fired and Arlington officer Bryan Graham, who was wearing a helmet, was hit above the right eyebrow. He was conscious and talking at the scene."

Did the bullet hit the helmet or not? 

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/06/06/4012253/man-killed-during-shootout-with.html#storylink=cpy

For All You Teachers With A Fancy School iPad

Try not to send racy emails on them. Especially if they aren't directed at your spouse.

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • A criminal defendant slugged his lawyer in Dallas yesterday.
  • Two young girls sat in a booth behind me at lunch yesterday and I heard the following: (1) "probation", (2) "foster care", (3) "signing rights away to grandparents", (4) "baby daddy" - multiple times, and (5) "I don't think things through before I do it."  I'm making none of that up.
  • I'm still unimpressed about Venus passing in front of the sun yesterday. It may have been a "once in a lifetime" event but that still doesn't make it spectacular. 
  • Some knucklehead carrying a load hit the overhead railroad bridge on 114 by the Speedway last night. The highway is closed in both directions and traffic is being rerouted. (But that bridge has a clearance of less than 14 feet.)
  • After watching the final four teams in the NBA playoffs, this question comes to mind: How in the world did the Dallas Mavericks win that thing last year? 
  • Call me old, but the "lenseless" glasses the NBA players are wearing in post-game press conferences are silly.
  • Mrs. LL went out for a jog on Saturday and the next thing I know we are out $40 for a bike from a garage sale she ran by.  But it was a heck of bike for $40. 
  • I wonder how many people have drowned at Wise County Park over the years.
  • Had a client who was incarcerated who wanted me to arrange for him to be married while he was up at the courthouse for a routine court appearance. 
  • I remember the old Caravan motel sign on Jacksboro Highway in Fort Worth as a kid, and I swear I saw an exact replica of it not far from Cowboys Stadium the other day.  
  • I don't know why I thought it was so funny that the kid was yelling, "Good job! Good effort!" at James and Wade last night. 
  • I'll swear if Freddy Krueger made an appearance in my home, all the Girls In The House wouldn't react  as violently as when a spider makes an appearance. 

Clever Headline

From the Huffington Post.

Political junkies were excited about this recall election. Results tonight.

Author Of "Friday Night Lights" . . .

. . . who is on a promotional tour for his new book does not think much of Dallas.

Romney's stage in Fort Worth

Flag issue? (credit Bud Kennedy)

Tuesday Afternoon Pick Me Up

Michelle Hunziker (and I'm still not sure who she is.)


Is that some not-so-subtle message when the Penn State school newspaper refers to alleged victims with quotes around it? I mean, they are alleged victims so does the headline come across as sarcastic "air quotes"?

Some Video Editor Has A Lot Of Time

It gets pretty clever once the chorus kicks in at :35

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • That thunderstorm came out of nowhere this morning.
  • It's early, but the Rangers are beginning to feel like the pre-World Series Rangers. (They lost 12-1 last night to a horrible A's team. It was so bad that Texas brought in Craig Gentry, an outfielder, to pitch at the end of the game.)
  • There's something funny about a guy in a Darth Vadar outfit arguing with a cop about a parking ticket.
  • I've seen the original Star Wars three times or so and I have to admit I have no idea what the heck is going on.
  • Baylor and TCU advanced to the Super Regionals in college baseball last night and they are the only Texas teams to do so. (And I like saying "super regionals.")
  • When the trash bin isn't emptied front of your home on trash day it kinda messes up your scene. My scene is messed up.
  • I'm not 100% positive, but when WBAP's (annoying) traffic gal Laura Houston was told that Hulk Hogan was going to be on the show, she made reference to the chances of him turning green if he got angry. She got her Hulks confused.
  • I'm not sure what the excitement is about Venus passing in front of the sun this afternoon. It'll look like a dot. And I don't need every news report to tell me: "Do not look directly at the sun."
  • I've got a new landscaping project as I put in a flowerbed around the base of a tree. Those roots might make this a tad bit difficult (and I pray I don't kill that tree.)
  • I had a buddy who had about three inches of top soil brought in to cover his backyard once and that slight change in elevation killed what had been a massive and healthy oak tree.
  • Cruz and Dewhurst are thinking about doing a debate in Spanish? They'd stand a better chance of getting votes by replying, "I only speak 'merican!"
  • Pictures of Jerry Sandusky arriving for jury selection this morning. That'll be a circus.
  • In the MLB draft yesterday, the Houston Astros chose a 17 year old kid out of Puerto Rico with the first overall pick. That seems like a gamble. 
  • Mrs. LL to me over the weekend: "Sheesh, you hold a grudge." (It was about a third party, not her.)


That's All We Need


The officer's name was "Limbaugh"?

Can I Do With The Family Cat While She's Still Alive?

Hey, this story isn't my cup of tea but it is everywhere today.  And when the story included a video of the Helicopter Dead Cat, I couldn't resist.

Worst Woman In The World

At the :24 mark. (Animated gif here.)

And who would think one Donald Driver shoe would be in demand in the first place.

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • That's former Aggie QB Ryan Tannehill's wife or fiance (not sure if they are married yet.) He's with the Miami Dolphins now which explains the color choice. 
  • Mrs. LL located a woman's softball team and played on it yesterday. I was a little nervous about that, but it seemed to work out pretty well. 
  • Well, except for the, "You need to teach me how to bat" issue.
  • I accidentally dug up some plant that Mrs. LL had apparently brought from her last home. Who knew? (The plant, with tremendous sentimental value, was saved. So was I.) 
  • I also pulled up about 15 feet of metal edging (or whatever it is called) and put it out by the curb to be picked up. Within 30 minutes, some guy drove buy and took it. It was beat up so that really surprised me. 
  • The new Mark Davis Show began on KSKY 660 this morning at 7:00. Well, actually 7:10 after they got through with commercials.
  • I learned that in a double elimination tournament losing the first game puts you in a heck of a bind. Baylor and TCU had to win three straight for a chance to advance tonight. 
  • A Chico church was allegedly vandalized over the weekend and its pastor was not pleased by the lack of concern from other area churches.
  • "University Park mom accused of peddling child porn from her home."  And she's married to an attorney per the story.
  • What is "socialcam" and why does it show up on Facebook everywhere? 
  • Ticket News: The new board op for Bob and Dan and the Hardline was suspended? (See near the end of this post.)
  • If "date night" is cancelled at the last minute you might as well call it "awkward night." 
  • The Messenger had to report on the suicide in Bridgeport. It was in public and involved law enforcement. And it sounded horrific. That's a far cry from it happening in private. 


So What Happened In Bridgeport?

"Getting reports of a police standoff and possible shooting of the suspect in Bridgeport.  Near high school over by dry creek area.  Care flight, ambulances, etc.  one witness says suspect pulled out bloody from a pickup, probably shot an maybe dead. Police blocked the roads."

"40 Of The Most Powerful Photographs Ever Taken"

If you don't shed a tear at some point while you scroll down the list, there's something wrong.

Credit: Wordkyle for sending me this knowing I would like it.

Celebrity Death

Always thought he was pretty funny on that show.