
A Faithful Reader Sends In More Lady GaGa Concert Pics

Man, that's a scene.
(Thanks, Cindy.)
Edit: And this DMN video proves the "police tape" outfit was popular.

Here's A Tip: Leave The Bison Alone

But if you look closely, someone hits the animal with a stick. I support the bison.

Update On Prosecution Time Waste

Story. (Which includes this crazy sentence: "A dramatic point in the trial came when Grant shared a story about how he himself, at about age 18, had been sexually abused, tied, gagged and left on a roadside by two men. Grant said he was able to work his way free and walk to the nearest police station, where he reported the incident. He said the men involved in the assault were later arrested and convicted.")
I originally wrote about the charges here.


Of all the places that the little bunny could have hung out, he decided to wander onto a dog track. (But he managed to get away.)

Allegedly From Lady GaGa Concert Last Night In Dallas

Edit: But confirmed pic of chicks that attended the GaGa concert. Hey, now.

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • I think the Texas Rangers bankruptcy judge is enjoying the spotlight a little too much. Yesterday, after he made Manager Ron Washington testify for a whole seven minutes, he said, "We don't have as much money as the Steinbrenners. I can't help that, but I'm not going to make the team give up their jet and ride a school bus." Huh? Hey, hoss, focus on getting the creditors their money.
  • I got a new work computer yesterday. Windows 7. Office 2010. Let the learning curve begin.
  • The Cowboys training camp begins this weekend with the "State of The Team" press conference on Saturday. Last year Wade Phillip jazzed the metroplex by proclaiming, "Let's gets going!"
  • A Decatur gal is in London for the summer and blogging about it.
  • I almost got in trouble for cleaning the house too much.
  • The weather folks are so hungry for a hurricane that they won't shut up about Tropical Storm Bonnie.
  • Katy Perry went to the beach.
  • Walmart will start using electronic tags on its clothing and other products next month. It's amazing it took them this long considering they get robbed blind all the time.
  • Someone asked me if I had seen the crazy Quizno's commercial with the cats. I haven't.
  • I ran into former Texas great Earl Campbell in a restaurant in Austin 20 years ago and coaxed him into recreating the last five seconds of this famous commercial. "Skoal, brother."
  • New Ranger pitcher Cliff Lee is fantastic.
  • Monica Lewinsky turns 37 today. Last I heard, she was in London. Maybe the Decatur girl referenced above can track her down and give us an update.

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • Whale attacks boat. (I wouldn't believe this photo, but it certainly is being accepted as real by every news organization.)
  • The Irving mom who killed her two kids gave an explanation why she did it on her 911 call. I don't know if she is evil or as crazy as a bat.
  • Anyone know of anyone that can replace a section of underlying flooring in a pier and beam house? Like for money?
  • I don't have any trouble with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich not taking the stand in his bribery trial, but his lawyer might want to take back "point[ing] dramatically to his client across the courtroom and pledged to jurors he'd take the stand" during opening statements.
  • I was under a house yesterday. It's been a long time since I had done that.
  • Jessica and Ashley Hart in bikinis. Who are they? Don't know.
  • In the Texas Rangers bankruptcy court today, General Manager Ron Washington will testify. Uh, why?
  • Greg Williams and Richie Whitt on The Fan yesterday (great show by the way), were talking about the crazy last meal that a prisoner executed in Texas this week ordered. But I can't find the story online anywhere.
  • The Ticket's Gordon Keith ran into writer Stephen King while in Boston. (Pic.) I've never been a fan of King's books (other than Different Seasons which contained four novellas - three of which became movies.)
  • Five horrific X Games crashes (and I don't watch the X Games.)
  • Extended unemployment benefits (now available for two years) were reinstated by Congress this week and they will also be retroactive back to the first week of June when they were suspended. That's a pretty big check. Unless you're unemployed.
  • Since adults are having trouble finding jobs, how in the world does a teenager find a summer job? Is that even possible anymore?
  • Everyone predicted the exodus of Texas Tech fans after the firing of Mike Leach. But yesterday they announced they set a record in season ticket sales.


We Do Love Lists

Sport's Illustrated has released its annual list. The only metroplex athlete I saw came in at #49. And the #1 money earner might as well spend it, because he's not going to get to keep it all.

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • Awful suicide last night of a prominent Wise County man last night. I always thought it was weird how newspapers don't cover such things or report the names. I kind of understand now.
  • A new TV action series called Chase was being filmed in West End in Dallas yesterday. With many of the scenes on rooftops, you'd have to think the actors were wondering why Dallas in the Summer was chosen.
  • Ordered some new carpet for a couple of rooms last night. Sheesh. This home improvement is a beating.
  • An Irving woman strangled her two young children a couple of days ago (the youngest one finally died this morning). Add her to the list of Darlie Routier, Dena Schlosser or Andrea Yates.
  • I'm in a furniture store, select my purchase, the guy asks me how I wish to pay for it, I hand him my credit card and DL, and he spends the next five minutes at a computer terminal thinking I wanted to apply for store credit card. He was honestly confused, and apologized profusely once I pointed out that I didn't want one. (He didn't even suggest that I get one, or run down its benefits.)
  • During Super Bowl week, ESPN will be broadcasting from downtown Fort Worth.
  • Jimmy Johnson is going to be a contestant on Survivor?
  • For as long as the oil spill went on, there really hasn't been much of it wash up on the beaches.
  • Lindsay Lohan new book-in photo.
  • Another Coppell mayor shocker: She rented a car and gave it to her daughter telling her it was a high school graduation present. She returned it one day before the murder/suicide.


Tuesday Afternoon Pick Me Up

That's Ashley Roberts. I don't know who Ashley Roberts is.

Free Lindsay!!!!

On her way to court where she was handcuffed and led away
They actually threw her in the hoosegow this morning!

Let's Declare War On Russia

I know they've been up to no good for the last few years (and even snuck in a bunch of inept spies lately), but this crosses the line. Hey, I've scene Shrek and learned a whole lot about donkeys. They're funny and loving and can talk like people. There is no reason in the world to terrify one of those little fellas.
Fire up the nukes, Obama. We've got some business to take care of.

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • The Rangers won in 14 innings last night making them 4-1 on the roadtrip so far. Any believers yet?
  • And you have to see the footage of pitcher Dustin Nippert getting hit in the head with a line drive last night in the sixth inning. But he got up and walked away. (Video is here before MLB takes it down.)
  • Mike Huckabee strikes me as the most naive man alive.
  • The forecast today was that it would be 95 but "it would feel like 100." That got me thinking? When it actually is 100 does it ever "feel like 100" or would it typically "feel like 105."
  • A Dallas County deputy was fired when he tried to create his own real live "women in cages" movie.
  • There was a low flying helicopter over Decatur this morning painted like a zebra. Yep. A zebra.
  • A naked streaker at a Canadian football game looked like better than Emmitt Smith going through the Eagles defense. (First 10 seconds of video is all you need to watch.)
  • Two 50 pound tigers spotted roaming in downtown Dallas last night? (Zebra painted helicopters and tigers in the streets? Am I feeling OK?)
  • President Obama will be in Houston and Austin next month to help with Democratic fund raising. Let the hating begin.
  • I've got a very tricked up and ultra modern living room which is about to be redone in a more traditional style. How often should you switch out couches and change things up? Five years? Ten? Never?
  • Some pics of cheerleading auditions for LA Clippers.
  • A lot of people are talking about Inception which opened over the weekend, but I swear I never heard anything about it beforehand. And it's a big budget ($160 million) film with a large advertising budget as well.
  • Lindsay Lohan is supposed to start her 90 day jail sentence today. I bet she starts it, but doesn't stay long.


"Top Secret America": This Should Scare Democrats and Republicans Alike

The buzz today is the beginning of a series of bomb shell articles in the Washington Post. (I saw some stories last week that the White House was already preparing for the fallout.)
The beginning sentence is a great summary. We all think government is too big, but it's frightening to think it may be twice as big and twice as powerful then we believed.
And check out this tidbit from the first article: "Every day, collection systems at the National Security Agency intercept and store 1.7 billion e-mails, phone calls and other types of communications." Good grief.

Wise County Is Gang Free

Here's a list of metroplex cities involved as well as the ethical breakdown. (Lake Worth managed to get an arrest but that's as close as it got to Wise County). But this link also includes the list of gangs involved (which is reprinted only for comedic value):
15th Street, 18th Street, 6417 Melody Lane, Allen St. Crips, Brown Pride, Best for Less Club, Deuce Deuce Beckley, Eastside Homeboyz, Fantasmas, How High Crew, Jokers Only, La Mirada Locos, Lands of Shadow, Latin Kings, Los Pipis 25 in Mexico, Lynch Mob, Mexican Klan Locos, Mexican Society, Money Over Bitches, MS-13, Surenos, Sur-13, Swirving Heights, Tango Blast, Untamed Gorillas, Varrio Centro, Varrio Northside, Varrio Southside, and Webb Chapel Crips.
And if you name your gang "6417 Melody Lane" then you aren't too bright --- unless that's the address of your rivals. Then it's pretty ingenious.

Sarah Palin Invents New Word

(Like I should talk.) But she did pull it down over the weekend but stands by the sentiment.

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • I saw Tuesdays With Morrie at the Decatur Visitor's Center yesterday. Fantastic. It's being held over for a Saturday night performance and and a Sunday matinee.
  • Performing arts people are different. Fun, but different.
  • I sponsored Saturday night but didn't attend. It was a small crowd, but there was not a single person who ever heard of this blog. Fail.
  • I painted indoors all weekend. Observations: It takes longer to prepare to paint than to actually paint. And I like painting.
  • Obscure sports notes: If you saw the highlight of the Ranger's new catcher (who weighs more than a horse) hit a triple on Friday night, you were highly entertained.
  • Watched Jennifer's Body after midnight on Saturday. Should have been in bed.
  • My work computer died on Friday. Kaput. No life. That may make today's posts a little tricky.
  • Watched some of the Tour de France this weekend. I'll make it to Europe one of these years, but I have no idea what country to make a priority. Probably the only way to do it would be to take two weeks and see multiple countries. (Although I can't see myself ever doing that.)
  • That was the most insane story this weekend out of Mineral Wells: I guy kidnaps a four year old, holds him for ransom, police find the guy and he tells them where the kid is, they find the kid dead, the guy then sneaks away from police, and then they find him the next day and kill him. Wow.
  • More Idiocracy.
  • And somebody made a comment last week, oddly, about how crime in Mineral Wells was really rampant. (Bagofnothing.com guy grew up in Mineral Wells.)
  • Katie Holmes has turned into a Stepford Wife.
  • Just another day in Mexico over the weekend: A guy storms a party and kills 17. Even during the cocaine salad days, I don't remember Columbia being as bad as Mexico.
  • Another small airplane crash in Denton yesterday. Does anyone know how to fly anymore?
  • I think that "Who do you write like" web site that I posted last week is bunk.
  • I have a CBS College Sports channel. As I type this, they are replaying a second round March Madness game between Wake Forest and Kentucky. Who in the world would watch that?
  • A revised looking Star Telegram debuts today:


Truck on fire at Watts Excavation in Decatur

Sunday at around 6:30 p.m. I happened to see it even before the Fire Department arrived.