
Concert Lifetime Review (Idea Admittedly Stolen)

1. Boston. (1976). I was 15 years old and went at the last minute with my high school buddies to see the band at the Tarrant County Convention Center. We bought tickets from a scalper and paid below face value: $8.00. (I am not making this up.) 2. Journey (3X). I was obsessed by them. Each appearance was at Reunion Arena and Loverboy opened up for them once. Greatness. 3. The Jacksons. (1981). Reunion Arena. This was, in essence, the Jackson 5 with Michael doing both the old stuff and new stuff. In retrospect, the show was outstanding. 3. Kansas. (1982). Reunion Arena. The band's lead singer was long gone but they didn't mention that in the advertisement. The arena was 1/2 way closed. 4. ZZ Top. (1986). Reunion Arena. My girlfriend got sick on the pot smoke and started crying when some guy groped her in a crowd. 4A. Amy Grant (1982). The concert was at some outdoor complex in north Dallas near LBJ and Coit. Nice venue. Nice show. I loved the girl I was with but she hated me. 4B. Kenny Loggins. (1987). Same outdoor complex. This was some organized event by my high tone Dallas law firm, but it was most memorable because of my girlfriend drinking one wine cooler and becoming drunker than Cooter Brown. It was the closest to the Bruce Willis "Blind Date" movie that I ever experienced. 5. Paul McCartney (1989 - I think.) Texas Stadium. I love the guy but my seats sucked so bad that I never got to enjoy the show. 6. Rolling Stones. (1990). Cotton Bowl. I was never much of a Stones fan but the show was good. The biggest memory was of how they only had one entrance open on both sides of the stadium which led to a very scary crush of people. Guys were putting their girlfriends on their shoulders to keep them from being crushed. 7. Garth Brooks. (1992). Reunion Arena. You know, not bad. 8. New Order. (1991). Smirnoff Music Center. My girlfriend suggested it about three hours before the show - I knew nothing about them. But I have never seen a concert morph into a dance floor like this experience. Top notch. 9. Restless Heart (1992). Billy Bob's. Maybe the only country concert I would ever dream of going to. It was great. And I'm stunned I haven't gone to a concert in over a decade.

Important Stuff

Decatur 40 Sweetwater 26 Windthorst 48 Alvord 0 Whiteright 41 Boyd 26 Prosper 24 Bridgeport 21 Chico 0 Archer City 48 Paradise 46 Electra 27


Yeah, It's A High School Football Note . . .

. . . but I don't think I've ever heard of anything like that before.

Advantage: Baptists

This structure of the First Baptist of Dallas is being dedicated this week. You can get a lot for $48 million (including a Starbucks.)

Launched - In A Bad Way

Cheerleader gets launched onto pavement. (She's fine and was on the Today Show this morning.)

Oh, Say Can You See, Indeed

Some guy named Jose Lima sang the national anthem last week at the Dodger's game. I thought you would want to share in the patriotism. (And, only in America, would the dress be put up on Ebay and sold for $150.)

Kelly Brock Friday

But I don't know who she is.

Uh . . . . . No

Other Ebay tickets for the game here.

I-Pod Killer?

Microsoft unveiled it's portable music/video player today (called "Zune") along with its new online store. Source.

Cingular 8125

After my Florida trip over the weekend, some people asked me what phone I used to "type" on and take pictures with. Here it is. It's taken me months to figure out all the stuff it can do.


I decided I was fat four weeks ago. Since then, I've gone strictly Lean Cusine, Healthy Choice, and Weight Watchers with brussell sprouts on the side. (Really.) Oh, and I've discovered the two fat gram Power Bars as a desert. I've now lost 9 pounds. And Nicole Richie is looking really good to me right now.

Stuff That Makes Me Laugh

Bar fight. "Do you like me?" Underage girl. Explained.

Carnage Is Done

I don't know why I'm fascinated by this.

Cover of Time This Week

I'm afraid the answer is really "no".


More Today Show Stuff

There's nothing like the forced chemistry of introducting Meredith to the two weirdest people on the show. Those guys creep me out (but not as much as they creeped Meredith out as they tried to drag her down the "yellow brick road.")

And To Think . . .

. . . she would never have been governor if Clayton Williams hadn't shot his mouth off.

Cycle Schmycle

I've never understood why people get excited about someone hitting for the "cycle." I mean, four homeruns is better than that as is four triples. Sheesh, two homeruns, a triple and a double is better.

Nancy Grace Killed Someone

Edit: And I love how Wikipedia exposes her for the fraud she is.

Update on the Update

I just noticed that the paper edition of the Update is now running ads vertically in addition to horizontally. Sad day.

Triple Small

Although I refuse to buy an I-Pod or anything else from Apple (because I don't want to be married to I-Tunes), it is interesting to see that the new Shuffle will be very, very small.

That Didn't Work Out Too Well

This guy tries to meet some teenage girl (who, heaven forbid, "has a myspace account") in Grapevine and a neighbor takes his picture. One of the news stations this morning (I think it was Fox) said the girl took this picture with her cell phone. I thought that would have been a pretty good cell phone if true.

Random Today Show Thought

I'm not sure I like Meredith Vieira. And the chemistry with Matt seems forced.

(And I'm mad I have to go to work because Matt's about to interview Debra "Hot Teacher" LaFave. (She just started off the interview explaining that she probably got a lot of attention because "sex sells.")


Twice A Day?

Actual picture of the Fellowship Church in Grapevine as it exists right now. Of course, they have an explanation.

Interesting News Piece That I Missed Last Week

Click to enlarge of read the original article here.

A Little Knowledge

It's nerdy of me, but I think Wikipedia (the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit) is amazing. For example, it has an entry on the very recently deceased son of Anna Nicole Smith. And remember that Israel/Lebanon conflict that just ended? Its entry has all you need to know. How in the world can the old encyclopedias compete with this?

My What?

Fox 4 News was doing some story tonight about some Watuaga cop that got fired for having a myspace.com page that was "inappropriate." But when the (heavily produced pre-packaged) story flashed to a computer screen in illustrate the myspace.com website, something didn't seem quite right.

Cruise and Holmes at the Redskins Game Last Night

I feel a lot of empathy towards the man all of a sudden.

Busiest Restaurants

Based upon liquor sales (the only public yardstick). Source: Bud Kennedy of the Star Telegram.


Price of gas in Fort Worth today (as I've driven, it seems, all over the Southwest Proper.)

Saturday Night Gone Wrong

Excerpt from DMN story this morning that made me laugh: D'Angelo Lee, the embattled former Dallas city plan commissioner and a target of the FBI's City Hall corruption investigation, was arrested early Sunday morning on public intoxication charges after claiming employees at an all-nude strip club stole thousands of dollars from him. . . . Mr. Lee . . . flagged down police at 3 a.m. Sunday outside Club Knubian Fantaciez, a dance club at Mockingbird Lane and Harry Hines Boulevard that police say turns into a venue featuring all-male strippers after midnight. According to police reports, he told authorities that three men – one naked, one wearing only a towel – had attacked him and thrown him out of the club, breaking his glasses and stealing his crocodile-skin wallet in the process.

Probably A Funny Idea At That Time

(Click to enlarge. Full story here.) And "sneaked off with" instead of "snuck off with"? I would have screwed that one up.


I Don't Care . . .

. . . about the minor league baseball team of the Fort Worth Cats or that they won some championship this week in Minnesota. But I did get a giggle out of this guy getting arrested for some crazy (alleged) bar fight after the game. Him? Fight? In a bar? Naaaaaaaa.

I Go To Jacksonville . . .

. . . and Fergie goes to Phoenix.

The Kid . . .

. . . from The Sixth Sense got busted for DWI a while back. Now I know why: Walker, Texas Ranger, scarred him for life.